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LB430 effective date?

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The below post is from a reporter who claims to have gotten here date from the governor's office.
I think a phone call or email to our Governor's Office and or Attorney General is in order for conformation.

? Reply #258 on: May 26, 2009, 06:13:01 PM ?
OK I am confused here is it so that 90 days after governor signed vs 3 months after close of Unicameral Session if unsigned but not vetoed. If so we need to update the front page date.

Article below from :
"The City of Columbus has 90 days from the day the governor signed the bill to come into compliance with the new legislation, which would place the deadline Aug. 17."

Reply to my email question about date below.
"During composition of the article I confirmed with the governor's office that the legislation would go into effect 90 days after Gov. Heinemann signed the bill. Had he not signed nor vetoed the bill the legislation would have gone into effect three calendar months after the final day the Unicameral was in session.

If you have any other inquiries do not hesitate to contact me."

Adrian Sanchez
Telegram Staff Writer
(402) 563-7534

My letter to the Columbus Telegram editor...

--- Quote ---Mr. Dean,

I am writing to query about the accuracy of an article Concealed weapons code changing by Adrian Sanchez regarding the date that LB430 goes into effect.  Mr. Sanchez reported it as August 17, 2009; however, several sources on the website state differently.  Below are three such sources...

The following two links confirm that bills become law three calendar months after the Legislature adjourns.
When do passed laws go into effect?

Lawmaking in Nebraska-Laws of Nebraska (Bottom of page)

The following link establishes August 30th as the specific effective date.
PDF Document (search for '430')

Does your staff writer have a specific source, or should this be added as a correction to the record?

--- End quote ---

We will see what they say, but I think the August 30 date is pretty solid.


I believe that the reporter was in error and was reporting when the Columbus Ban will be up, I think it will be up before the law takes effect. I will be attending the City Council Meeting on Monday for the final reading of this "repealed ordinace". The last meeting I attended I suggested that each entrace to a business or buliding that prohibits CCW be posted as well as all city property that prohibits CCW. This includes all city parks and trails. (they will probably raise my taxes to pay for all of the signs)

Here is the newspaper editor's response...

--- Quote ---Greg,

We were told laws go into effect 90 days following the governor's signature or 90 days after the session ends if the governor fails to sign the bill within the allotted time.

Jim Dean
--- End quote ---


Here's the scoop from the Clerk of the Legislature:  (August 30, 2009)


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