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Author Topic: Losing Self-Defense Rights If You Refuse to Comply with Attacker’s Demands  (Read 2183 times)

Offline ProtoPatriot

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How about we try staying on topic? This is getting a bit out of hand but I guess by saying that just means I'm one of those subservient idiots you speak of...

It is all related...but I guess you didn't notice the other piece of my one comment...

Now of course my last post went off topic, it was a reply though...so lets get back on topic.

But nice try at taking the victim route... but did you even read every piece of it?

You can't expect to not take any risks when taking on things in life.
You can't expect to follow the law, while at the same time trying to get it changed...because why should they change it...they already have you following it.

Following the something gives it legitimacy, acceptance, etc.

Actions speak much louder, mere words and letters have little effect. Rallies and protests are not action, they are mere words.

Also, how do you expect to get the law before the "precious courts" if it's not broken first... it's also hard to justify your stance when you are following the thing (they don't overtly think it, but it is there in the back of everyone's mind).

"If a law is abhorrent to the Constitution, it is null and void"
SCOTUS - Marbury v. Madison

This means that if a law violates the Constitution in any way, shape or form, it is not a law. Thus by disobeying it, you are not truly breaking any law as the "law" is void (not valid).

We cannot expect the government to supervise itself in following the Constitution (which is the highest law of the land and trumps all others, including the states). We the People are responsible for enforcing it. And one of the largest ways is disobedience.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 10:40:49 AM by ProtoPatriot »
The USA is a Republic...
This is a Democracy...
This is not the USA...