I remember a time when stories like this made the news maybe once a year. When it did, the entire nation was horrified for months. Now, these stories appear in many times, everyday. I know that technology has made it possible to instantly know what is going on in every city, town and village across the entire world...but I can't imagine things have always been like this.
We need a much stronger, more decisive form of justice when a human being decides to become an animal. When a 93 year old woman is raped and murdered in her own bed...and the killer confesses, the trial should take place in less than an hour and within a matter of a few days. Horrendous murders like this get played out in the media for as long as anyone can make a buck, then the killer is quietly sentenced for whatever they come up with. The Families never receive justice...by the time whatever justice is served, the victim's Family is so beaten down and wore out that they are numb to any retribution imposed on the killer.
I read once it costs more to carry out a death sentence that it does to imprison a man for life. I've also read that it costs about $30,000 a year to imprison someone. I believe it can be done for a whole lot less than that and in a time frame that doesn't allow for anyone to make money from it. Our ONLY concern should be that the killer is punished and that the Family is allowed justice.