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White House eyes 'gun trust' loophole

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--- Quote from: bkoenig on August 30, 2013, 11:23:32 AM ---What a mess.  This will kill the NFA industry.  No more new NFA in Lincoln/Lancaster Country until we get a pro-gun CLEO.

--- End quote ---

Well, my understanding is that the proposal will eliminate the CLEO sign-off and replace it with CLEO notification, not simply subject trusts and corps to the CLEO sign-off requirement that currently exists for individuals. However, I have not read this whole 62-page document, so I am shooting from the hip based off of the abstract and previous write-ups on the proposed rule change by other attorneys.

CORRECTION: It appears that NFATCA managed to negotiate us into a position where they didn't get the CLEO sign-off eliminated, but instead extended to trusts and corps. Great.

From the bottom of page 12:

I haven't read the whole thing, but at the top of page 14 it states that they propose "extending the CLEO certificate requirement to responsible persons of a legal entity".  I may be reading that wrong, but that sounds like the same signoff that individuals now need to do, not just notification.

I could live with notification, even though IMO it's none of the CLEO's business what I own.  If this really does mean signoff and not notification then I guess it's time to start checking into other CLEO's besides the chief of police and sheriff.  I've heard some people saying their state Attorney General will sign.  I bet Bruning would be amenable, he seems pretty pro-gun.

Response from NFATCA:

--- Quote ---I can appreciate your sentiment.  Our petition was constructed by a very well-respected policy and regulatory affairs lawyer.  ATF was actually on board with the elimination of CLEO signature.  We were told as much by both ATF and DOJ.  We never had a dialogue regarding the trust/corp issue, merely acknowledged that a problem might exist.  The abrupt change in position came from the Executive Branch.

Jeff Folloder

--- End quote ---

David Hineline:
Someone in the Obama, Holder, Todd Jones regime decided to change directions of where this was headed and put a fork into the trusts.  Is anyone surprised?

6 of our Republican Senators voted for Jones.

Sometimes its best to sit back and remain anonymous.....I seem to recall California gun owners "castrated" themselves attempting to improve their carry laws and more legal open carry.....


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