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It's a Jungle Right Here...........

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So----I live in Omaha between W. Center and Pacific.   Around 120th Street.   Not the Heart of Town, but not out in the country, either.

In recent times the following critters have been seen in my back yard:

Red fox
Red Squirrels  [by the squadron]
Rabbits    [see immediately above]
Occasional Black Squirrels  [variant of red squirrel]
Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels
40+ Documented Varieties of Wild Birds

Right now I have a family of Sharp-Shinned Hawks [2 adults; 2 youngsters] back there that are eating all the songbirds and whatever else they can find.   Kind of a massacre.  Or a Gorging Orgy.   Whatever.   They don't even pay attention to me any more.   Oh, yes.....they will each eat Old Hotdogs, Brats, and refrigerator meat spoilage when left out.   So much for the idea of  Noble Wild Winged Hunting Machines.

The irony is that I've gone squirrel hunting, come home tired and fretful and empty-handed, and seen more squirrels in my back yard than in the field.

Last year by May I had Hav-a-harted 12 possum, 1 raccoon, and one Very Angry Housecat, minus collar and ID tag.   Took 'em all to Boys Town and released them.   Except the cat.

Formerly took 'em to Omaha Humane Society, but found that OHS takes 'em right back to your neighborhood and releases them.   Lady told me, "Well.....we don't want to stress them by taking them out of their habitat."   My, my, sweet!!

I know of a case where someone .177ed a total of 68 squirrels in two months in a local backyard.   Made no difference.   The other squirrels on the perimeter just came piling in to fill the vacuum.   Like emptying the ocean with a thimble.

So--what's the point of all this??    Let's hunt in our back yards.

Saves gas.   Saves SUV wear and tear.  Saves time......   Probably saves money, too.

Anybody got pheasants??



--- Quote from: SemperFiGuy on August 22, 2013, 04:43:37 PM ---So----I live in Omaha between W. Center and Pacific.   Around 120th Street.   Not the Heart of Town, but not out in the country, either.

In recent times the following critters have been seen in my back yard:

Red fox
Red Squirrels  [by the squadron]
Rabbits    [see immediately above]
Occasional Black Squirrels  [variant of red squirrel]
Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels
40+ Documented Varieties of Wild Birds

Right now I have a family of Sharp-Shinned Hawks [2 adults; 2 youngsters] back there that are eating all the songbirds and whatever else they can find.   Kind of a massacre.  Or a Gorging Orgy.   Whatever.   They don't even pay attention to me any more.   Oh, yes.....they will each eat Old Hotdogs, Brats, and refrigerator meat spoilage when left out.   So much for the idea of  Noble Wild Winged Hunting Machines.

The irony is that I've gone squirrel hunting, come home tired and fretful and empty-handed, and seen more squirrels in my back yard than in the field.

Last year by May I had Hav-a-harted 12 possum, 1 raccoon, and one Very Angry Housecat, minus collar and ID tag.   Took 'em all to Boys Town and released them.   Except the cat.

Formerly took 'em to Omaha Humane Society, but found that OHS takes 'em right back to your neighborhood and releases them.   Lady told me, "Well.....we don't want to stress them by taking them out of their habitat."   My, my, sweet!!

I know of a case where someone .177ed a total of 68 squirrels in two months in a local backyard.   Made no difference.   The other squirrels on the perimeter just came piling in to fill the vacuum.   Like emptying the ocean with a thimble.

So--what's the point of all this??    Let's hunt in our back yards.

Saves gas.   Saves SUV wear and tear.  Saves time......   Probably saves money, too.

Anybody got pheasants??

--- End quote ---

No pheasants, but I've hit at least 6 doves on my way to work since Independence Day.    :(

Woodchucks, never seen them around here until we moved back from Montana in 2001. Now they're all over.
Rabbits, not as plentiful as the last couple years and the dumb cats would rather watch them than chase them.
Red Fox, see one now and then but not many.
Squirrels, hardly any near us but not many nut-bearing trees here either.
Possums, thinned them out a bit last year(10 or so)
Raccoons, plenty thick with them... shot 4 out of a mulberry tree by the corn crib within 5 minutes about a month
Voles, had a few but not so bad this year.
Ground Squirrels, have a family or 2 on the edge of my lane. Plan on trying to pop a few this weekend.
Hawks, Turkey Vultures, Ravens are very plentiful.

Deer, seen some fawn tracks a few weeks ago near the barn. Pretty thinned out in these parts.

They all go where the food is.

Everyone needs to swing by moeller arms and pickup a suppressed .22


--- Quote from: NENick on August 22, 2013, 06:47:06 PM ---Everyone needs to swing by moeller arms and pickup a suppressed .22

--- End quote ---

Oh if I didn't live in city limits ;)

I  had to google search Vole. Funny I never heard of a vole but what a strange coincidence, that not long ago at all I believe I seen one at a friends house. I remember making the remark that it looked like a mouse on steroids :laugh:
Plenty of wildlife around my place however in the 8 yrs. I have been here only seen one pheasant.


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