General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

It's a Jungle Right Here...........

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--- Quote ---    I'm so effing tired of my girlfriend's cats puking on anything and everything, using the litter box and walking on the table and counters... Someone please come hunting in my apartment and bring your suppressed .22, or a big rock.

Consider yourself lucky! The two we have do all of the above, AND scratch on furniture, walls and even television sets (lucky none of the newer flat screens). I am thankful though that at least they use the litterbox, and yeah you know they been on a table when you see the cat litter trail up there. For the most part they stay off counters and kitchen table...they somewhat learned that was not a good thing after taking flight a couple times..if ya know what I mean?

--- End quote ---

Y'all might want to consider sending a PM to Forum Member feralcatkiller.

You could buy him lunch afterwards.    Or maybe a coupla boxes of his favorite shells.  He might even free lance.

Just a thought.


Have you watched "My Cat from Hell"?  I just discovered it while I was flipping around the tube a couple weeks ago.  I can't believe the way some of these cats act, but yours sound like real contenders for the show.  Maybe this guy can come save the day.

I'd love to be a special guest star on that show some day, but if I saw a cat acting like that the filming would be over in about one minute and a taser would be involved.

Incidentally, Virginia recently allowed air rifles on private property so long as the shooter could safely contain the pellet / BB within his own property, or had the permission of the owner of the property onto which the pellet would land. 

It got some folks' panties in a bunch, but seems reasonable enough if you have to deal with squirrel or rabbit infestations.


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