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It's a Jungle Right Here...........

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In my 'backyard'; rabbits, (unfortunately no jack rabbits anymore), squirrels, mostly reds, some grey and an occasional black, woodchucks, badgers, ground squirrels, beaver, mink, weasel, skunks, opossums and raccoons, coyotes, foxes, mountain lions (of course the NG&P says there aren't any), moles, voles, field mice, garter and bull snakes,  hawks, vultures and eagles, pheasants and quail, wild turkeys and deer, way too many birds to list.   Then there are the feral (and domestic) cats and wild dogs.

Probably missed something...


--- Quote from: metaldoc on August 23, 2013, 10:10:06 AM ---Then there are the feral (and domestic) cats

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I'm so effing tired of my girlfriend's cats puking on anything and everything, using the litter box and walking on the table and counters... Someone please come hunting in my apartment and bring your suppressed .22, or a big rock.

My yard was overrun by rabbits.  They chewed all the very expensive perennials to the ground.  A combination of .177 and Labrador Retriever has reined in the population a bit.


--- Quote from: NENick on August 23, 2013, 10:58:49 AM ---I'm so effing tired of my girlfriend's cats puking on anything and everything, using the litter box and walking on the table and counters... Someone please come hunting in my apartment and bring your suppressed .22, or a big rock.

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Consider yourself lucky! The two we have do all of the above, AND scratch on furniture, walls and even television sets (lucky none of the newer flat screens). I am thankful though that at least they use the litterbox, and yeah you know they been on a table when you see the cat litter trail up there. For the most part they stay off counters and kitchen table...they somewhat learned that was not a good thing after taking flight a couple times..if ya know what I mean?


--- Quote from: Hank on August 23, 2013, 04:04:53 PM ---Consider yourself lucky! The two we have do all of the above, AND scratch on furniture, walls and even television sets (lucky none of the newer flat screens). I am thankful though that at least they use the litterbox, and yeah you know they been on a table when you see the cat litter trail up there. For the most part they stay off counters and kitchen table...they somewhat learned that was not a good thing after taking flight a couple times..if ya know what I mean?

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It gets worse. Her cats have figured out that they can get attention by beating on and screaming at the bedroom door at 0430 in the morning. They also chew on my things/equipment. I told her they they may get chucked off our balcony.

The final nail in the coffin is that the orange one isn't even nice. It bites and hisses whenever it wants. We pay its rent, buy it's food, and clean it's poop.

Of course she loves it though, so I'll be trapped until it dies (15 years from now).


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