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Do Me a Ginormous favor:

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Wear your seat belt.  If you won't do it for your own safety, do it as personal favor to me (or any other EMS personell who respond to your 10-45), so that while I am trying to hold your cervical spine in a nuetral, in-line position to keep you from becoming a quadraplegic, the blood from that great big gash on your noggin' where you smacked into the A-pillar of your vehichle whilst bouncing around the interior like a flippin' superball does not run down my arm and onto my shirt.  Its gross and shirts are spendy these days.

Thank You.  (I just had to vent.)

I hear you Jim been there done that.
It amazes me the amount of people that will not wear there seat belts. Stupid!
Near as bad as the amount of men who will not wash there hands after emptying there bladders.

I too needed to vent.
That's all for now folk's.

So we have at least a couple of EMS personnel around... Sweet. I too am an EMT. and have been on those wrecks.. as well as waiting for the cops to show up to simply "investigate" since someone got thrown from the car.

Then there is texting while driving...worst thing ever in my opinion.
I'm so glad someone made this video.

It is the worst thing ever.  Hell, I've seen kids texting while speeding on a crotchrocket down I-80 in Omaha.

I fully support scary PSA's to grab their attention.



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