General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Do Me a Ginormous favor:

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Or cleaning your gun while driving I-80.  Sorry....just had to lighten up the moment.  Until NE gets serious about seat belt laws and DUI, the death toll will continue to be unnecessarily out of proportion with most other states in the Union. 

THAT did not end well...... Off topic and "rahwt inta da ditch."

"but doesn't matter now as I have no more interest in continuing the discussion."

But the discussion will and must continue.  That is what it is: everyone's opinion being exchanged.  That is what makes the discussion.  If A&H wants to stir the pot and run back to his own blog and ...... well, ..... BLOG about it, so what?   He has every right to his politely expressed opinion here, whether or not he is polite in his own house. 

IMO, differing opinions are good, even if I think they are wrong as hell.   Again, that's just my $.02 .......

Dan W:
I have removed the off topic discussion. This is an important issue. More people will die from auto accidents than  I can fathom. It may be the most dangerous activity we do everyday. 

Thanks for taking care of that, Dan.

Yeah, we had another superball impersonator last night...... and today while I was in Columbus I missed another serious injury call....... and the moon is not even full.......


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