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Tactical Application of the Defensive Sidearm

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I guess I have to refer back to Tom Given's student's encounters.  No gouged eyeballs.  Most engagements occurred at one car length or slightly less.  Those two students who lost, "forfeited" in Tom's view, were not carrying their gun at the time they were attacked.

It's good to have all kinds of tools in the toolbox naturally, but honestly, if some amp'ed up meth head manages to get near me and starts whacking me in the head, I'm probably done for.   

I'm not 45 anymore. :)

Craig Douglas, aka "SouthNarc" who is a certifiably dangerous individual IMHO, teaches his famous "ECQC" course.  In his opinion, where most folk screw up is they hesitate and fail to draw their weapon in time. 

I'd love to take his class, but it'd probably kill me. 

Situational awareness is your friend!!!

Besides, these days, I'm too busy preparing for an attack by the Swedish Bikini Team. 


--- Quote from: Lorimor on August 29, 2013, 06:32:22 PM ---Craig Douglas, aka "SouthNarc" who is a certifiably dangerous individual IMHO, teaches his famous "ECQC" course.  In his opinion, where most folk screw up is they hesitate and fail to draw their weapon in time. 

--- End quote ---

This.  This this this this this THIS THIS THIS THIS.

Ahem.  I believe the part in bold is important.

(He has a video of the MUC section of his class---Managing Unknown Contacts---and while I have not seen it, I'm planning on buying it as I've read a number of things he has written that he includes in that video, and they seem spot-on and extremely relevant.)

A good AAR for Douglas' ECQC course:


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