General Categories => Newsworthy => Topic started by: UPCrawfish on November 25, 2013, 01:07:30 PM

Title: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: UPCrawfish on November 25, 2013, 01:07:30 PM
Surplus military vehicles that cost $500,000.00 being given to law enforcement agencies.  18 ton, mine resistant, armored vehicles..  They will change the paint scheme from desert tones to the preferred "BLACK". (

Can you see them cruising around on Dodge and North "O"??
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: shooter on November 25, 2013, 02:03:36 PM
hope this is ok to post here,

 how to disable a MRAP. (
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: NENick on November 25, 2013, 03:34:22 PM
The windows stop bullets, but don't they crack up to the point where you can't see out of them? Some precision fire could make it impossible to see, right?
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: UPCrawfish on November 25, 2013, 04:32:41 PM
What about PAINTBALLS to all the vision surfaces???   Saves your critical ammo and, if the wipers are used, just smears the paint even worse.... :P :P 
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: RedDot on November 25, 2013, 05:10:32 PM
 What about the old "banana in the tailpipe" trick?  :P
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: Gary on November 25, 2013, 05:21:39 PM
Remember WACO?  Janet Reno started the use of Army tanks on American soil to attack (what other word could one use to describe it?) Americans.   

With each President from that time forward, one executive order after another, is cutting down our rights as Americans. 

I was born in the USA, but I barely recognize the place these days.   50's and 60's were heaven, compared to today.

We just passed through the 50th anniversary of the murder of JFK.   November is a hard month for me, emotionally.   I tend to donate lots of money to the NRA about this time of the year.   
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: OnTheFly on November 25, 2013, 06:33:17 PM
Holy jeeze!  What in the FUDGE would a police force need one of those for?  That's just plain ridiculous.

Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: on the fritz on November 25, 2013, 07:21:45 PM
Holy jeeze!  What in the FUDGE would a police force need one of those for?  That's just plain ridiculous.


For all the domestic terrorists on this and other gun forums.
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: UPCrawfish on December 23, 2013, 11:55:29 AM
Here is one retro painted and delivered to a community of 150,000 in California.... (
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: NE Bull on December 23, 2013, 03:33:39 PM
Surplus military vehicles that cost $500,000.00 being given to law enforcement agencies.  18 ton, mine resistant, armored vehicles..  They will change the paint scheme from desert tones to the preferred "BLACK". (

Can you see them cruising around on Dodge and North "O"??
HMMMM Linky no longer works!
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: kozball on December 23, 2013, 03:57:13 PM
Try this one, from South of Chicago.......... (
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: UPCrawfish on December 23, 2013, 04:12:19 PM
NEBull, here is a fresh link to a town in California getting the War Truck on !! (
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: Ronvandyn on December 25, 2013, 05:11:31 PM
Holy jeeze!  What in the FUDGE would a police force need one of those for?  That's just plain ridiculous.

Fly (

Because of people like that guy.
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: RedDot on December 26, 2013, 06:30:09 PM
Don't be too scared of these things.  If Achnod the Afghan goat herder can figure out how to disable them with materials he digs out of garbage dumps, I'm sure good old American ingenuity could figure it out in a pinch.  ;)
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: sidearm1 on December 26, 2013, 07:35:31 PM
I really thought that this was maybe going overboard on the comments, since some departments can use this type of vehicle (gangland and meth labs, etc.) but I was reading a gunzine and they had an article from a County SERT team.  Since I spent 9 years on a team, I thought I would read the article and see what it was about.  Guess what, about three fourths the way through the deputy being interviewed said: "Out in the county there's more woods, more hunters, and longer response times, and all of those things factor into the SERT Mission."  He then went on to say: "its hard for the SERT to approach someone like that with what they have, and they would like to get an Armored Personnel Carrier to help shield the team"

That's right, he did not say bad guys, he said hunters.  !!!!
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: Chris C on December 26, 2013, 08:52:54 PM
For all the domestic terrorists on this and other gun forums.

Bingo.  The govt is selling them for pennies on the dollar (some even free you pay shipping) and some departments are buying them for civil unrest. 
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: Gary on December 26, 2013, 09:55:56 PM (

Because of people like that guy.

“History is written by the winners.”    Napoleon Bonaparte
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: bkoenig on December 27, 2013, 07:36:02 AM
The militarization of local police forces is very disturbing.  I agree that they need the tools to do the job, but MRAP's and heavy weaponry is taking it a little far.  When a department starts to develop a door kicker mindset it's not much of a jump from "protect and serve" to "Obey".  We've already seen an increase in the number of SWAT raids, and a disturbingly high percentage of them have gone awry, resulting in needless damage to property and injury to innocent bystanders.
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: GreyGeek on December 28, 2013, 05:47:10 PM
Because of people like that guy.

Except "that guy" wouldn't have been stopped by a vehicle like that unless TSA & DHS "stop and show us your papers" check points were everywhere.  I'm pretty sure these anti-civilian tanks can't withstand a blast like the one McVey set off, either.   IMO, it's only purpose is intimidation of the populace.   Swat teams of 5 to 10 officers, heavily armed, shouting orders and knocking down doors at 4 AM, under the pretense of looking for illegal weapons but to actually steal documents without a valid search warrant. ( (


SWAT teams have raided the wrong house and when the home owner tried to defend himself and his family from a "gang intrusion" they shot him dead.  Too much testosterone on too many SWAT teams.
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: AWick on December 29, 2013, 11:32:37 PM
The over use of SWAT for nonviolent alleged offenses is alarming! It seems like they're busting down doors at 4am for a littering citation now a days and to the wrong house while they're at it.
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: gsd on December 30, 2013, 09:54:42 AM
Bingo.  The govt is selling them for pennies on the dollar (some even free you pay shipping) and some departments are buying them for civil unrest. 

I wonder what shipping would be? This would make my morning commute soooo much easier. :)

Scratch that, how about an NFOA group buy? Slap our logo on that puppy and take it to events lol!
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: UPCrawfish on December 30, 2013, 02:32:49 PM
Slap our logo on that puppy and take it to events lol!

Or, paint it up like a 60's hippy Volkswagen bus with flowers - peace / love - ...
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: RedDot on December 30, 2013, 05:56:19 PM
I can remember having a conversation with my dad back in the late 90's about an ad I found in the back of a magazine.  It offered surplus Warsaw Pact 8-wheeled armored personnel carriers for $4500 and I worked hard to get him to go halfsies with me and get one for the farm. "Hey it's a diesel...all-wheel worries about getting it dirty.."  Sadly my dream ended with his final statement of "Why in the world would anyone really need something like that?"..Ironically he was a retired police officer  ;D
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: Chris C on December 30, 2013, 08:14:03 PM

I wonder what shipping would be? This would make my morning commute soooo much easier. :)

Scratch that, how about an NFOA group buy? Slap our logo on that puppy and take it to events lol!

 :laugh:  I should have said free if the agency pays shipping.  It's too bad us terrorists can't get one for those prices. 
Title: Re: Coming to YOUR town soon?? WAR TRUCKS..
Post by: Ronvandyn on January 03, 2014, 05:53:04 PM
SWAT teams have raided the wrong house and when the home owner tried to defend himself and his family from a "gang intrusion" they shot him dead.  Too much testosterone on too many SWAT teams.

While I don’t disagree with the majority of what you have to say, one must remember that police agencies (local and federal) have been using armored vehicles for many years.  Upgrading to more contemporary equipment is a rational action, especially if the cost is really low. 

Mr. McVey was meant as a case in point.  He is not, nor will he every be, the lone exception to the rule of “peace on earth”.  We have terrorists in our country, we have some really bad folks here in our own state (mostly in Omaha), and being prepared for dealing with these kinds of people and problems is a part of what law enforcement is all about. 

“TSA & DHS "stop and show us your papers" check points were everywhere.”  No, most likely they would not have made a difference even if they had been active agencies at the time.  I’m happy sticking to my warm little airport terminal thanks, let the cops keep their checkpoints and we will keep ours.