General Categories => Firearms Training and Education => Topic started by: sjwsti on May 12, 2015, 11:34:01 AM

Title: Essential medical skills and wounded shooter techniques course at 88 Tactical.
Post by: sjwsti on May 12, 2015, 11:34:01 AM
88 Tactical TAC MED Level 1.

8AM-6PM Tekemah
Two spots left!

This one day course gives you maximum value by minimizing money and time spent. We do that by teaching you what you NEED TO KNOW. Not whats good or fun to know (not that there is anything wrong with that, but no one has unlimited time and funds). What skills and gear will the average person most likely need and actually use? Find out here. Hint; Its not going to be cricothyrotomies or needle decompressions  :o

The afternoon is spent on the range working bilateral one handed gun manipulations and fighting from the ground. These are advanced gun handling skills and you need to have prior advanced handgun training to enroll.

Topics covered include the use of a basic trauma kit, emergency management of airway, hemorrhage, chest trauma, and other life-threatening injuries. Fight to the wounded. Fight while wounded. You’ll learn to do both here!

- Shawn