General Categories => Laws and Legislation => Topic started by: Burkdoggy on January 06, 2016, 09:07:10 PM

Title: Ashford's Coffee with the Congressman
Post by: Burkdoggy on January 06, 2016, 09:07:10 PM
I see that Rep. Ashford is having his "Coffee with the Congressman" gathering at The Summer Kitchen this coming Saturday.  The 120th and Giles location. 9:30 - 10:30.  Maybe there should be a heavy representation of people that support the second amendment to greet him there.

I regret that I have committed to be out of town in the morning.  I have written to the congressman though to express my wish that not vote for any further intrusion on my rights.

I hate that I cannot be there.

Title: Re: Ashford's Coffee with the Congressman
Post by: jFader on January 06, 2016, 10:16:22 PM
Very interesting...that would be awesome to have a large contingent show up to talk to Brad 'I support the 2nd Amendment, BUT....' Ashford.     It is a damn shame that we all have jobs, families, & commitments that benefit society Or we could be like the occupy wall street bozo's & show up to stay!   :P
Title: Re: Ashford's Coffee with the Congressman
Post by: depserv on January 07, 2016, 09:21:59 AM
It would be nice if traitors like Ashford were met by large groups of patriots every time they did one of their meet and greet campaign stops, but as jFader pointed out patriots usually have a life, which includes a job and other commitments, unlike typical liberal cattle, who are usually available to be bussed in.  In the end though I think a long time traitor like Ashford will not respond to anything short of a loss at reelection time.  Like Obama he is not stupid: he knows what he's supporting is illegal, he knows it's based in lies, and he knows that many of his constituents are able to see through the lies.  But he also knows that those with a brain can be overwhelmed by those without one, in a system where the vote of a fool carries as much weight as the vote of a wise man. 

So while it it might make us feel good to go tell this traitor what we think of him, I doubt it would do much good.  His comrades in liberal media can be counted on to spin anything we do in a way to make us look bad and him look good.  So I would think that there are better ways to fight back against his aggression, chief among them being to counter the lies of liberal media and educate the infamous low information voter.  Getting all patriots energized and out to vote is important too, and we might want to get a car pool together for those who might need a ride; or better yet, start now in getting as many patriots as we can onto the list for absentee ballots.
Title: Re: Ashford's Coffee with the Congressman
Post by: m morton on January 07, 2016, 11:19:50 AM
  we might want to get a car pool together for those who might need a ride; or better yet, start now in getting as many patriots as we can onto the list for absentee ballots.

i would attend if the car pool idea takes off i could use a ride i live off 145 maple just a few blocks south of Lowe's  no worries if it don't