General Categories => Newsworthy => Topic started by: equinox137 on May 29, 2010, 10:16:37 PM

Title: Public Pulse entry
Post by: equinox137 on May 29, 2010, 10:16:37 PM
Check this one out:

Quote from: Public Pulse, May 28 2010

Bigger problems than terrorism

The political season must be here again ? politicians are out scaring the American people about terrorist attacks, when that really is the least of our worries.

In 2008, only 33 Americans around the world were killed by terrorists. But there were 14,180 murders, more than 400,000 women who died of cardiovascular disease, 34,017 fatal car crashes and way too many prenatal and postnatal deaths due to lack of medical oversight.

We need to restore the automatic assault weapons ban that expired six years ago and repeal all of these crazy concealed-weapons laws that put more weapons in the hands of criminals and drug cartels.

The National Rifle Association used to represent the outdoorsmen who used shotguns to hunt, Now, the NRA seems to be the voice for weapons dealers.

Kay Bowling Alchu, Omaha

So which of the above exactly is this woman's complaint?   And "more than 400,000 women who died of cardiovascular disease"???  :o  That's more than 1,096 deaths a day.... I call BS on that one, not to mention the rest of this.
Title: Re: Public Pulse entry
Post by: OnTheFly on May 29, 2010, 11:15:35 PM
Just sent a quick reply to The Public Pulse...

Kay Bowling Alchu (May 28, 2010 Public Pulse) wants us all to believe that concealed carry laws and the lack of an assault weapon ban are what place us in jeopardy in America.  However, recent FBI crime statistics show that between 2008 and 2009, murders decreased even though firearms sales have soared.  The statistics also show that the murder rate has decreased since the end of the assault weapon ban in 2004.

There are several egregious errors in Ms. Alchu's statements: There was never an "Automatic assault weapons ban", it was simply an "assault weapon ban".  Automatic implies a machine gun, but these had nothing to do with the ban.  Also, she stated that we need to "...repeal all of these crazy concealed-weapons laws that put more weapons in the hands of criminals and drug cartels".  These "crazy concealed-weapons laws" have absolutely nothing to do with putting weapons in the hands of criminals and drug cartels.  Rather they have everything to do with allowing law abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons to defend themselves and others.  Finally, the NRA has always represented hunters whether they use rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders, or handguns.

If Ms. Alchu is so concerned about deaths in America, maybe she should focus her efforts on getting those deadly automobiles banned since they were the cause of more than twice as many deaths as firearms..  After all, driving is a privilege, while firearm ownership is a constitutional right.

We will see if it gets published, and in what form.

Title: Re: Public Pulse entry
Post by: OnTheFly on May 29, 2010, 11:15:45 PM
Duplicate bad.

Title: Re: Public Pulse entry
Post by: DanClrk51 on May 30, 2010, 01:11:59 AM
That woman is obviously off her rocker and does not know what the hell she is talking about. Concealed weapons laws helping drug cartels get guns??!??!! HUH?!! What planet does this woman live on. She obviously knows ZERO about American gun laws.
Title: Re: Public Pulse entry
Post by: Mudinyeri on May 30, 2010, 08:55:27 AM
Can't you all see the direct correlative link between concealed weapons, assault weapons and cardiovascular disease in women? LOL

IF there were 14,180 murders in the U.S. last year, it would be interesting to know if any of those were committed by an individual with a CHP or by people with legally-owned weapons.
Title: Re: Public Pulse entry
Post by: Dan W on May 30, 2010, 09:13:47 AM
Fly that was a great response!