General Categories => Shooting Sports => Topic started by: RobertH on April 26, 2011, 07:05:07 PM

Title: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: RobertH on April 26, 2011, 07:05:07 PM
the next one is May 14.  do i have to pre-register or just show up?

what do i need to bring besides my Mosin and ammo?
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: Wildgoose on April 26, 2011, 07:27:44 PM
The rifle and ammo will get you by but there are a few things that will help your cause. Some kind of pad, old piece of carpet or shooting mat to sit and lay on when in the sitting and prone positions. A spotting scope or binocs to spot your shots for effective sighting correction as you go. You have plenty of time to use them during each course of fire. A sling if you know how to use it can be a BIG advantage. (Appleseed plug here! ;D) And as you can only load one round at a time something to keep your ten rounds handy and easy to get on the line. These things are not absolutely needed but they really help shoot a better score. 
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: Wildgoose on April 26, 2011, 07:32:34 PM
OH, missed that part. :o Just show up and shoot. There is a sight in poriod just prior to the match to get on paper if you need to.
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: bkoenig on April 26, 2011, 07:57:52 PM
Also a chamber flag if you have one.
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: NE Bull on April 26, 2011, 09:58:01 PM
Question- We were wondering about this at the last one. The boys and I thought we understood that once the sight in was done and shooting starts, we were not allowed to use the scopes/ binoculars.  Am I misunderstanding?
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: Wildgoose on April 26, 2011, 10:19:04 PM
Seems we do have a misunderstanding. The confusion may have come from the statement that after sight in and the match starts there would be no more sighter's. That would be sighter shots and not meant to say that spotting could not be done. It's OK to use an optical device to check hits between shots. I will be sure to make that clear at the next shoot. There may be someone else who also misunderstood this point. Like I have said this is a work in progress so keep the questions or comments coming.
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: RobertH on April 27, 2011, 12:52:29 AM
and here's another ?:  is using a bayonet on a mosin really get you better accuracy?  i mean i've read that they were zeroed using the bayonet, so will this help me or will i just look stupid at the range?

oh and another, where can i get a chamber flag?  or can i just make one with a unused zip tie and duct tape painted orange?

oh and yet another... i'm not a member, so whats the cost?
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: monkeyboy on April 27, 2011, 04:20:33 AM
Robert H, If the bayonet helps,go for it,if not you can always stab holes in the target,preferably in the 10 ring! Chamber flags should be available at the range and the cost of the match is $10.00, member or not.----Mike.
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: Wildgoose on April 27, 2011, 05:50:07 AM
Robert H,
If you show up shooting a Mosin with the bayo on it and win the match I guarantee ya that every one of the Ruskie Rifle Brigade will be so equipped at the next match!
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: bkoenig on April 27, 2011, 06:53:44 AM
Your Mosin may or may not shoot better with the bayonet.  Only one way to find out, we have plenty of sight in time before the match so you can try it both ways.

I don't think the type of chamber flag matters as long as it's visible.  I have some I made from a wooden ball painted yellow and a length of weed trimmer line.

The match cost is $10, the same for members or non-members.

Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: gsd on April 27, 2011, 12:45:08 PM
morning?  If so I will be there to observe.

what time by the way?  0900? 
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: Wildgoose on April 27, 2011, 07:37:04 PM
morning?  If so I will be there to observe.

what time by the way?  0900? 
The plan will be to have the range ready to start open sight in by 8:00 am and start the match at 9:00 am. This will be the standard schedule unless something comes up to change things.
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: RobertH on May 04, 2011, 01:06:23 AM
ok last question... unless i think of another one.

is there ammo restrictions?  can i use steel core surplus ammo?
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: monkeyboy on May 04, 2011, 04:01:14 AM
No problem.--Mike.
Title: Re: Vintage Rifle Matches @ Ikes
Post by: bkoenig on May 04, 2011, 09:15:49 AM
Steel core is fine.