General Categories => Laws and Legislation => Topic started by: KGillen on September 21, 2011, 06:05:35 PM

Title: My kids...
Post by: KGillen on September 21, 2011, 06:05:35 PM
I have four kids, aged 10, 8, 7, and 9 months, my oldest son (the ten year old), expresses on a nearly daily basis the desire to go shooting with me.  I have instructed he, as well as the other two older kids in safe firearm handling using bb guns for practice. He is a damn good shot, a great listener and very responsible for his age.

I have searched the NRA-ILA site, NE statutes, NE game and parks etc etc looking for an answer to my question which is: How old (legally) does a child have to be to TARGET SHOOT. I read somewhere that the age for hunting is 10? don't quote me on that though. I haven't been on in awhile, don't remember ever seeing anyone ever ask this question, and used the search function to see if anyone had asked this yet (obviously I came up short). 

Thank you in advance folks.

Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: bkoenig on September 21, 2011, 06:18:06 PM
I'm pretty sure there is no legal age requirement for target shooting.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: Dan W on September 21, 2011, 07:09:03 PM
I have no plan to clear teaching my 7 grandsons to shoot with anyone, including their parents  ;)
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: SBarry on September 21, 2011, 07:35:19 PM
If you are waiting because you are too busy to take him shooting, you are wasting some good times that you can't replace. MAKE THE TIME, MAKE IT A PRIORITY!

I wasted some much of my time working and not spending it with my wife and kids, where it would have really meant something in the long run. Now no wife, no kids, and plenty of time wasted wishing I would have done those things that meant so much to them. I'm still broke, in more ways than one. 
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: KGillen on September 21, 2011, 07:38:02 PM
If you are waiting because you are too busy to take him shooting, you are wasting some good times that you can't replace. MAKE THE TIME, MAKE IT A PRIORITY!

Please believe, time isn't the issue, just making sure I'm not going to get sent to CPS...and convincing his mother.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: Bill on September 21, 2011, 09:01:08 PM
"Big enough to hold the gun" is old enough.  There are very few things as entertaining as watching a kid turn money into noise with a semi-auto .22.  Take them out and have fun.

FWIW the BB-gun classes in Lincoln will take kids as young as 6.  Since it's through City Rec, and Lincoln doesn't differentiate between BB-guns and firearms, it must be legal.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: Dan W on September 21, 2011, 09:05:42 PM
  FWIW the BB-gun classes in Lincoln will take kids as young as 6.  Since it's through City Rec, and Lincoln doesn't differentiate between BB-guns and firearms, it must be legal.

Those classes are run by one of our NFOA members ;D
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: Bill on September 21, 2011, 09:17:55 PM
Those classes are run by one of our NFOA members ;D

Yep, and they are great classes.  My daughter went from border-line hoplophobe to competitive shooter because of those classes.  She's getting a nice collection of medals now, including a first and 3rd at the State Games.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: Dan W on September 21, 2011, 09:33:33 PM
My nephew did the same and I am thinking he is ready for Appleseed. I hear though that he is joining the Northeast High junior trap team next season
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: Mudinyeri on September 22, 2011, 07:39:34 AM
I think my son was six when he fired his first firearm.  Before that, he'd shot BB guns and pellet guns.

KGillen, it sounds like your boy is getting off to a little bit of a late start!  :D
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: RobertH on September 22, 2011, 09:51:03 AM
i think its awesome starting kids off early, but make sure they know the difference between a toy and a real gun and firearm safety.  my dad pounded those things through my head.  he wouldn't let me shoot a .22 until i was about 12 i think, and i always had to ask permission first.  i shot BB guns and bow and arrows before that though.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: Mudinyeri on September 22, 2011, 12:36:58 PM
i think its awesome starting kids off early, but make sure they know the difference between a toy and a real gun and firearm safety.  my dad pounded those things through my head.  he wouldn't let me shoot a .22 until i was about 12 i think, and i always had to ask permission first.  i shot BB guns and bow and arrows before that though.

Good point.  My son started with Nerf Guns, then an Airsoft pistol.  As we made the transition from Nerf to Airsoft, we treated the Airsoft pistol as if it was a firearm.  He learned the basic safety rules and was given the opportunity to demonstrate the he understood them and would follow them with an actual firearm.  After he demonstrated those capabilities, we moved to BB guns and pellet rifles.  Further demonstration of his abilities.  When he had not "slipped up" for a period of about a year, he was allowed to shoot a .22 supervised.

Children need to understand the difference between toys and real firearms and build upon a foundation of training and demonstrated responsibility.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: sparky on September 22, 2011, 12:54:51 PM
Good point.  My son started with Nerf Guns, then an Airsoft pistol.  As we made the transition from Nerf to Airsoft, we treated the Airsoft pistol as if it was a firearm.  He learned the basic safety rules and was given the opportunity to demonstrate the he understood them and would follow them with an actual firearm.  After he demonstrated those capabilities, we moved to BB guns and pellet rifles.  Further demonstration of his abilities.  When he had not "slipped up" for a period of about a year, he was allowed to shoot a .22 supervised.

Children need to understand the difference between toys and real firearms and build upon a foundation of training and demonstrated responsibility.
At what age did you start with the airsoft, That is something I hadn't thought of and is a great idea.  I can't wait to get my kids into this, my daughter is 4 so its just around the corner for her, the boy on the other hand is going to be a while, only 8 weeks old.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: Mudinyeri on September 22, 2011, 02:34:42 PM
At what age did you start with the airsoft, That is something I hadn't thought of and is a great idea.  I can't wait to get my kids into this, my daughter is 4 so its just around the corner for her, the boy on the other hand is going to be a while, only 8 weeks old.

IIRC, we started at about 4 years of age.  I purposely bought one of the clear plastic pistols so it was obviously not a firearm.  Nonetheless, I taught my son to treat it like a firearm.

Eight weeks might be just a tad early.   ;D
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: RobertH on September 22, 2011, 03:18:19 PM
as for when to start a child (son or daughter) on airsoft or BB guns, i would say it would depend on the child's development, temper and eagerness to shoot.  i know my dad waited until i was basically bugging him to death wanting to go shoot.  then i had to sit through the safety stuff with my dad.  but it was well worth the wait.

ps - i have zero kids, i just remember the experience when i was a kid.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: KGillen on November 06, 2011, 07:22:00 PM
We finally went today, took my oldest. I am as proud as can be, I'd say he did quite well for his first time out. He asked me to move the target farther back afterwhile because he was gettin' too good. He definitely needs work, but there will be PLENTY of time for that.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: lefty on November 06, 2011, 10:51:52 PM
Better watch out Dad!  That young man will be out shooting his Pops in no time at all, if Dad lets
him practice.  :-)
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: sparky on November 07, 2011, 07:52:49 AM
Thats fantastic, every time one of these threads start or is updated it gets me to thinking about being able to do this with my kids someday.  Just a few more years.  What did you have him shooting there, can't tell if thats a 22 or an old pellet gun.  By the way, I was talking to my dad the other day and he mentioned his all time greatest memories was teaching me and my brothers to shoot, we were all several years apart so he got to enjoy it 3 different times.  So enjoy these little things.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: OnTheFly on November 07, 2011, 09:06:05 AM
I just took my little boy shooting yesterday at Ikes.  Of course my "kid" is 17 years old and he outweighs me and has to look down to talk to me.  He had a good time.  Even at his age I like to keep it fairly brief at the range so he leaves wanting more.  It always makes me happy when he asks if we can stay a little longer.

Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: metaldoc on November 07, 2011, 11:20:22 AM
It's part of our heritage to teach our kids the joys (and responsibilities) of firearms.  My dad started me early, made sure I understood safe handling, and encouraged me to hunt and practice.  Next it became my privilege to teach my daughters to shoot.  Now it's my joy to pass it on to my grandkids. 
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: bkoenig on November 10, 2011, 08:33:02 AM
I started my 7 year old daughter shooting about a month ago and she loves it.  We used a co2 pistol and my .22 sbr.  I waited until she started asking me to take her.  I wanted to get one of those pink crickets but I think I've spoiled her by starting with a .22 AR.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: NE Bull on November 10, 2011, 04:02:51 PM
I skipped the Cricket, I was told the kids outgrow them too fast.  Marlin 795 or 60, fairly cheap, accurate and something she can hand down to her kids. 
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: bkoenig on November 10, 2011, 05:04:39 PM
I think you can get longer stocks for the Crickets.
Title: Re: My kids...
Post by: KGillen on November 11, 2011, 05:53:48 PM
Thats fantastic, every time one of these threads start or is updated it gets me to thinking about being able to do this with my kids someday.  Just a few more years.  What did you have him shooting there, can't tell if thats a 22 or an old pellet gun.  By the way, I was talking to my dad the other day and he mentioned his all time greatest memories was teaching me and my brothers to shoot, we were all several years apart so he got to enjoy it 3 different times.  So enjoy these little things.
It's an old Springfield single shot bolt action .22. Very simple weapon, and the funny part is, he preferred it over my 10/22 that I took with.