General Categories => Newsworthy => Topic started by: NENick on October 30, 2012, 10:43:37 AM

Title: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: NENick on October 30, 2012, 10:43:37 AM
I just listened to the interview with a UN Observer on the Scott Voorhees radio program. A UN election observer will be here in Omaha monitoring our election. The UN guy also stated that he will be armed with a pistol and taser/ blue helmet.

I can't bring my gun to the election... why in the hell should he be able to? Is it legal for him to do that?

If someone can find more info on this, please post it. I'm at work and can't get anymore info.

I called:

Douglas County Election Commission - 402-444-8683
NE Secretary of State John Gale - 402-471-2555
John Brunning Atty. General - 402-471-2682
Ben Nelson - Capitol Switchboard - 202-224-3121
Lee Terry - Capitol Switchboard - 202-224-3121

I'm about to cook off!
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: RLMoeller on October 30, 2012, 10:54:34 AM

Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: RLMoeller on October 30, 2012, 11:06:19 AM
Not sure how much truth there is in this.

I called the Douglas County election commission.  They have been getting a lot of calls on this, as they should. 

First, they said that firearms are not allowed, and this is no exception.

Second, anyone can be go observe, but they would need to notify the election commission.  A couple groups have provided notification, but no notification has been received yet for any UN observer.

Finally,  Scott likes to play jokes like this.  It would not surprise me to find out that this was a joke.  I really hope that is the case.  The lines to KFAB are busy and I can't get through.
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: NE Bull on October 30, 2012, 11:08:04 AM
Since when are we a third world country that need armed UN guards at our elections.

(puts foil hat on)
Something tells me, SOME BODIES are gearing up for riots.  Which is very possible, no matter the outcome of the election.  And this, in and of itself may help fuel a riot.

Another thought; Maybe I won't wear my NFOA shirt and NRA hat into the polling area again this year. Might give away my stance and get me 'turned away'.  hmmm,  might want to remove a few bumper stickers, too.
(removing foil hat and rechecking supplies)
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: CitizenClark on October 30, 2012, 11:47:49 AM
I just listened to the interview with a UN Observer on the Scott Voorhees radio program. A UN election observer will be here in Omaha monitoring our election. The UN guy also stated that he will be armed with a pistol and taser/ blue helmet.

I can't bring my gun to the election... why in the hell should he be able to? Is it legal for him to do that?

If someone can find more info on this, please post it. I'm at work and can't get anymore info.

I called:

Douglas County Election Commission - 402-444-8683
NE Secretary of State John Gale - 402-471-2555
John Brunning Atty. General - 402-471-2682
Ben Nelson - Capitol Switchboard - 202-224-3121
Lee Terry - Capitol Switchboard - 202-224-3121

I'm about to cook off!

Sounds like baloney to me. First of all, the international organization that is sending election observers to the United States this year is the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ( (OSCE), not the UN. The United States is a member nation of this international organization, and the OSCE has had observers here at least five times before.

Second, these observers are not coming to Nebraska according to Secretary of State John Gale.

Third, these people are _observers_, not election officials. Check out the organization's handbook for election observers here: (
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: Dan W on October 30, 2012, 08:39:31 PM
Hoax....ha ha ha
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: NE Bull on October 31, 2012, 08:31:22 AM
....But it was on!!  It MUST BE TRUE!
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: metaldoc on October 31, 2012, 09:42:54 AM
From the World Herald...

There will be no United Nations election observers in town next week.

No blue-helmeted soldiers armed with guns and tasers asking for identification. No one attempting to do pat downs on suspicious-looking voters.

Nebraska Secretary of State John Gale said Tuesday that reports to the contrary are completely false.

More at link... (
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: NENick on October 31, 2012, 09:47:49 AM
He got me... I'm am very happy to see that Omaha isn't going take any crap from the UN! Our local government sure got an ear full and certainly has been warned.  :)
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: AAllen on October 31, 2012, 11:31:16 AM
A note from Scott Voorhees:


Yesterday's program was not a hoax. Rather, it was "satire" to bring attention to a very serious issue: UN Observers WILL be monitoring our elections in this country, though we learned yesterday NOT in Nebraska, thank goodness.

Due to yesterday's show, more people now are paying attention to yet another example of how ...our liberties are endangered by a global mindset that seeks to stamp out American exceptionalism. Did I go about shedding light on this issue in the right way? Of course not, and I probably will never learn. But I will never apologize for bringing attention to matters of national or local importance, and getting people talking about them.

And if you're looking for an apology, I'll apologize right after President Obama apologizes for telling our CIA in the area to stand down and denying military security to Ambassador Chris Stevens and members of his staff on 9/11/12 in Libya, so as not to upset the "global community." It is for reasons like that that yesterday's show was not meant to suppress voter turnout -- it was meant to enhance it.

Thank you so much for listening (and today's show in an hour should be a doozy),

Mornings 9-11 a.m. on NewsRadio 1110 KFAB and
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: bullit on October 31, 2012, 12:04:55 PM
Give him a raise !!!!
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: AAllen on October 31, 2012, 02:38:25 PM

Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz warned a group of international voting monitors that they face arrest if they monitor polling locations in Iowa next week.

“My office met with two delegation representatives last week to discuss Iowa’s election process, and it was explained to them that they are not permitted at the polls,” Schultz said in a statement released Tuesday. “Iowa law is very specific about who is permitted at polling places, and there is no exception for members of this group.”
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe plans to send observers from its Office for Democratic Institutions to Iowa and other states. According to the group’s website, members have been meeting with election officials and political party workers since last month to discuss their observation plans in the United States.

Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: metaldoc on October 31, 2012, 04:41:56 PM
Texas authorities have threatened to arrest international election observers, prompting a furious response from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

“The threat of criminal sanctions against [international] observers is unacceptable,” Janez Lenar?i?, the Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), said in a statement. “The United States, like all countries in the OSCE, has an obligation to invite ODIHR observers to observe its elections.”

Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: NE Bull on October 31, 2012, 06:52:23 PM
What is sad is that we (U.S.) used to be the representative democracy every other country strives to model their government after.  Now this? Now the U.N. is here overlooking our elections, for what? To be sure we are doing it right?  I'm sorry Dan, but that deserves a big
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: Dan W on October 31, 2012, 07:30:10 PM
What is sad is that we (U.S.) used to be the representative democracy every other country strives to model their government after.  Now this? Now the U.N. is here overlooking our elections, for what? To be sure we are doing it right?  I'm sorry Dan, but that deserves a big

Why are you apologizing to me? I am in total agreement.

Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: bkoenig on October 31, 2012, 07:47:29 PM
Personally, if I saw a U.N. observer at my polling place I would call the police and report them for harassing voters.  And I would encourage everyone I know to do the same.
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: FarmerRick on November 01, 2012, 10:17:14 PM
Wow, you guys must not listen to Voorhees very often. 

Our good Senator from the 53rd District, Steve Apple is on his show quite a bit.


Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: NENick on November 02, 2012, 07:03:08 AM
Normally I listen to Laura Ingrahm on 1290, but I decided to go local...

Not sure if you guys have heard, but in order to accomodate projected turnout, conservative leaning voters are supposed to vote on Tuesday, and liberal leaning voters are supposed to vote on Wednesday....... Voorhees said. Hehe.
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: NE Bull on November 02, 2012, 08:18:13 AM
Dan, just apologizing in advance for my TLA profanity ;)
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: Ronvandyn on November 02, 2012, 06:35:33 PM
Just playing the “devil’s advocate” here, but:

We as Americans tend to hold ourselves to a fairly high standard.  We often request to send observers to elections in other countries, as a nation, and are often granted that access.  Then why should those nations consider our elections as credible if we are unwilling to grant such requests from other nations or the UN, which we are a major member of?  As far as I know when our country is sending in observers our representatives conduct themselves within the laws of the host nation, we should demand no less from observers sent here.  If a state has laws saying that elections cannot be monitored it forces the question “Why?”, are those states trying to hide something?  Wouldn’t our observers have the same question in the same circumstances while in other countries? 

Other nations see THIS election as a contentious one, an election that may have serious consequences to the economy’s of other nations.  They see their concerns as valid, the leader of our country makes decisions every day that have significant consequences not just in our own nation but in many others.  We are after all the last remaining “super power” and one of the biggest economy’s on the planet, if our elections are questioned wouldn’t it be prudent for an international agency such as the UN to request to send observers?

Anyway, there are many reasons why another country or even the UN might request to send observers.  One of which is to see the process we have and how it can be adopted to the needs of other nations. 

Personally, I don’t see a problem with UN observers.  We have nothing to hide and we tend to get it right when we have elections.  We are not perfect (Remember the “hanging chads” crap?), but as a nation we do our best.  I’d be happy to show off our election system to those who don’t have one or have one that does not work as well as it could.  As a nation we set the example for many other nations, why not be proud of it?

Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: DaveB on November 02, 2012, 06:51:24 PM
The UN is not a country, it is a world thug organization that is hell bent on controlling the US by any means possible.
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: NENick on November 02, 2012, 10:06:04 PM
The UN is not a country, it is a world thug organization that is hell bent on controlling the US by any means possible.
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: Ronvandyn on November 03, 2012, 04:42:45 PM
The UN is not a country, it is a world thug organization that is hell bent on controlling the US by any means possible.

You make an excellent point, and one I agree with.  Most of the stuff we get from them for our money is sessions where the USA and/or Isreal get bashed.   Everything else is a waste of effort.
No credibility in my book.

My point was that we should be proud enough of how we do it to be willing to showcase it.  Obviously there are countries out there that could use the perspective, but I'm not sure that the UN is the agency to give it to them without a serious amount of bias.

Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: DaveB on November 03, 2012, 04:46:38 PM
I think we do make our elections open to everyone. What other country has every tv station updating every minute of an election up until the time it is over? If someone wants to see how it's done, they can go to Youtube and watch, I'm sure there is something there.
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: bkoenig on November 04, 2012, 06:57:25 AM
The problem is th UN has an agenda, and it's not one that will benefit America. They want the elections to go a certain way and if Romney wins they will claim fraud.  They are not impartial observers.

Besides that, it's a matter of sovereignity.  We don't need other countries interfering in our political process.
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: CitizenClark on November 04, 2012, 08:23:34 PM
The problem is th UN has an agenda, and it's not one that will benefit America. They want the elections to go a certain way and if Romney wins they will claim fraud.  They are not impartial observers.

Besides that, it's a matter of sovereignity.  We don't need other countries interfering in our political process.

As has already been explained earlier in the thread, the United Nations is not sending observers to United States polling locations. An organization called OSCE (that is not a UN creature) is sending observers as part of an ongoing program that the United States has participated in for several decades. These observers have no authority to interfere with anything. They basically fill out a survey. None of them will be in Nebraska.
Title: Re: UN Observers at Elections in Omaha!
Post by: bkoenig on November 05, 2012, 06:07:42 AM
I was under the mistaken assumption that the OSCE was affiliated with the UN.  Regardless, I don't believe other countries have any business observing our elections.  I don't trust them to be impartial.  For that matter, I don't believe we should be involved in the elections of those countries, either,