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Events / Re: 5 October First Saturday Breakfast in Gretna
« Last post by Greybeard on October 04, 2024, 01:13:24 PM »
We look forward to seeing you there!!
Events / Re: 5 October First Saturday Breakfast in Gretna
« Last post by npgriff on October 03, 2024, 06:23:14 PM »
I find I have the morning free and will be there. 
General Firearm Discussion / Re: Are these forums dead?
« Last post by zofoman on September 30, 2024, 12:54:11 PM »
"This forum is simple to use. I get on it nearly everyday, scroll down to "Recent Posts" and see if anything is going on. The new forum is way too complex for an old guy like me. Plus it doesn't have the "Recent Posts" option (or at least it didn't the last time I was there).
The lack of activity on the new forum doesn't mean we no longer care about our cause. It's more of a statement on the new forum IMHO."

Same here (though I don't get on as often)....my personal protest is to not visit that other "thing".   
I'm a retired IT guy and not afraid to say that other site is an abomination....wtf?   
There are much better alternatives. 
Events / 5 October First Saturday Breakfast in Gretna
« Last post by Greybeard on September 27, 2024, 06:27:33 AM »
Just a heads-up a little in advance for our monthly gathering @ Billy's Cafe in Gretna @ 9:00 A.M. An opportunity to talk about guns, ammo, firearms legislation and just plain old gossip about any old thing. Please drop a note here to give us an idea of how many seats we need so we can let the folks @ Billy's know the day before. Please come join us!! It has now devolved to only two elderly couples!! They do like our  patronage!!
General Firearm Discussion / Re: Are these forums dead?
« Last post by Mark B on September 22, 2024, 11:50:01 AM »
This ^^
General Firearm Discussion / Re: Are these forums dead?
« Last post by Waltherfan on September 22, 2024, 08:01:31 AM »
This forum is simple to use. I get on it nearly everyday, scroll down to "Recent Posts" and see if anything is going on. The new forum is way too complex for an old guy like me. Plus it doesn't have the "Recent Posts" option (or at least it didn't the last time I was there).
The lack of activity on the new forum doesn't mean we no longer care about our cause. It's more of a statement on the new forum IMHO.
General Firearm Discussion / Re: Are these forums dead?
« Last post by omaharj on September 21, 2024, 10:04:31 AM »
Last access to course
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000JohnQ 0Public   Member   No groups   3 mins 13 secs

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r-rimfirerick -   Member   No groups   2 days 21 hours

Select 'GreyBeard Klein'
GKGreyBeard Klein   Member   No groups   9 days 23 hours

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NGNathan Griffith   Member   No groups   27 days 14 hours

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S-Sidearm1 -   Member   No groups   34 days 13 hours

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Mntn Man   Member   No groups   37 days 12 hours

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b-bullit -   Member   No groups   56 days 21 hours

Select 'NFOA President'
Trish HarroldNFOA President   Board Member   No groups   60 days 17 hours

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W-Waltherfan -   Member   No groups   66 days 2 hours

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SSSgt Stedenko   Member   No groups   69 days 12 hours

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J-John -Kochefko   Member   No groups   69 days 18 hours

Select 'Terry Novak'
TNTerry Novak   Member   No groups   127 days 17 hours

Select 'NFOA Secretary'
NSNFOA Secretary   Board Member   No groups   131 days 15 hours

Select 'tackle 8'
t8tackle 8   Member   No groups   144 days 17 hours

Select 'jbassan26 -'
j-jbassan26 -   Member   No groups   145 days 19 hours

Select 'Dan W'
Dan W   Member   No groups   156 days 11 hours

Select 'Husker_Fan -'
H-Husker_Fan -   Member   No groups   162 days 13 hours

Select 'Darrell Sutton'
DSDarrell Sutton   Member   No groups   172 days

Select 'PhilK -'
P-PhilK -   Member   No groups   188 days 13 hours

Select 'Alan Borgelt'
ABAlan Borgelt   Member   No groups   193 days 17 hours

Select 'NFOA Treasurer'
NTNFOA Treasurer   Board Member   No groups   217 days 20 hours

How much the new "Moodle" forum is being used. 5 people in the last month. Is the NFOA done as a grassroots organization? Evidence appears to confirm.
General Firearm Discussion / Re: Are these forums dead?
« Last post by Hardwood83 on September 11, 2024, 10:02:52 PM »
I haven't been active here for several years, but try to check in occassionally. Hey Husker football is rebounding, maybe NFOA forum activity can too  :)
Events / Re: NFOA First Saturday Breakfast
« Last post by Greybeard on September 06, 2024, 07:39:19 AM »
es, we will be there as usual.
Newsworthy / georgia shooting
« Last post by omaharj on September 05, 2024, 08:28:42 PM »
I'd like to preface with we all know the early info is often way off...
Hey Dad, WTF? Buying a 14 year old a rifle when strong evidence shows some issues? Not minor stuff, FBI level stuff? My first thought, he is an accessory.
I hope this won't result in laws trying to mandate locking guns up in Gov't approved cabinets. IF Dad aided, a trial makes sense to me. YMMV
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