« Last post by DanS on April 22, 2023, 11:40:42 AM »
All good points guys.
This is not a rebuttal, however I wonder how things are going in N. Dakota, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri with their Constitutional Carry. I would think we dont hear much, if at all, about their local LE jurisdictions making arrests for these problems. Maybe it comes down to someone, legal or not, slipping a handgun in their pants pocket or coat pocket, and not being discovered in a prohibited place. If they pull it those places, to use it, it would be another matter. I see no attempt for any CC state to try get CC off the books, not at this point anyway.
I do remember a permit holder shooting someone in the elbow inside a gas station in Lincoln, as the thief was running away towards the door with a bottle of booze they didnt pay for. I thought I heard the permit holder wasnt charged. Me thinks someone wasnt grasping the "right to defend yourself" part of the permit class.