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Laws and Legislation / Pistol Brace Final Rule
« Last post by JAK on April 09, 2023, 12:42:48 PM »
Just in case everyone has not heard, the BATFE released the final rule regarding pistol braces the end of January.

Virtually all pistols with a brace are now considered to be Short Barreled Rifles and subject to the NFA.

There is currently a grace period where they can be possessed, however they cannot be transferred until they are modified.

Current owners have until 31 May to either register the firearm, modify it so that it can no longer accept a brace or has a barrel over 16", turn it in to the ATF or destroy it.

There is currently a program where the tax stamp for registering the firearm as a short barrel rifle is free, however if registering to a trust a notarized document transferring the firearm to the trust prior to 31 Jan 2023 is needed.

John K




Laws and Legislation / Re: Fire mission
« Last post by eelstrebor1 on March 14, 2023, 05:08:14 PM »
Looks like the "Yes" is winning. But this isn't a scientific poll. And those of us on the western side of the state usually don't hear what's happening in state government or about these polls.
Laws and Legislation / Fire mission
« Last post by Waltherfan on March 14, 2023, 02:48:13 PM »
Wowt.com (channel 6 in Omaha) has a poll asking if more restrictions should be made on purchasing firearms. Polls are only up for one day so hit it if you're so inclined.
Events / Re: NRA Nebraska Conference
« Last post by npgriff on February 24, 2023, 06:37:56 PM »
I am
Events / NRA Nebraska Conference
« Last post by omaharj on February 24, 2023, 10:11:28 AM »
Anybody going? March 3rd
Kids and Guns / Re: Thoughts on drive-by shootings with paintball guns?
« Last post by youneedawarrant on February 23, 2023, 11:51:47 AM »
Hi, everyone. This is my first post.
I live in Columbus, NE. Last night at about 9:38PM (05/05/2022), I took my puppy outside to go potty. A person (or multiple persons) inside a SUV started shooting at me while my back was turned away from the street. I was about 60 feet away, and they missed all their shots. The only thing they hit was the side of my garage. I reported it to the Columbus PD, but I couldn't make out the vehicle or license plates since it was dark, and neither did my security camera. I have a wife and two kids, ages 8 and 4. I don't know if it was a targeted attack, or if it was just random, but since I don't have a CCW permit, I'm open carrying my sidearm. I also warned my neighbors of what happened, since there are lots of other young children on our street, and I have an elderly neighbor that's widowed (she gardens a lot outside her front yard). I plan on firing back if they start shooting again, because then it is targeted. I don't care about the consequences, since protecting my family is my #1 priority, but just wondering what everyone would do in my situation. I understand paintball guns aren't lethal, but getting shot in the eye is, and for young children and elderly folk, it could be life threatening.

I am not your attorney, but if I were I would tell you this: If you take the actions you described in the scenario above, you will only have yourself to blame when you go to prison.
Laws and Legislation / Re: The Dick Act of 1920 .
« Last post by GreyGeek on February 15, 2023, 08:43:01 PM »
That PDF is a 221Mb download.
Here is a PDF that is only 1.2Mb
Events / Fremont gunn show
« Last post by shooter on February 15, 2023, 11:11:15 AM »
this weekend,    sat 9  to5  sunday 9 to4

     Christensen field house
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