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Author Topic: About "Contacting Your Senator"  (Read 2430 times)

Offline thirtydaZe

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About "Contacting Your Senator"
« on: March 06, 2014, 11:12:39 AM »
Please forgive me on this one.

We have a lot of threads, and opportunities, to make a difference here on this forum.  Personally I'd love to be more involved, however at the same time, I kind of have stage fright because of the unknown.

So can I have the cliff notes version of what actually happens, what to expect sort of speak, when someone actually goes about the duty of contacting their senator?

I mean, i'm at a phase where i'd like to do something, but honestly afraid of the unknown.  Maybe others as well?

Anyhow, just thought i'd ask.

Offline Dave1215

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2014, 11:37:35 AM »
Don't use a canned script.
Share your own thoughts and experiences
Be positive
Don't attack and Don't accuse
Be professional, but be yourself
Be honest
Share from the heart but back with facts
Thank them for their service
Ask how you can help
Focus:  Stay to the one topic, be brief and don't ramble
Follow-up with a brief written summary and a thank you note
That help?

Offline RLMoeller

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2014, 11:52:44 AM »
Excellent advice Dave! 

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2014, 12:00:23 PM »
it does.  do people actually make calls also in some instances?  i think, when i read contact sometimes it translates to call.

see, you can see i have no clue what i'm doing...

Offline RLMoeller

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2014, 12:14:32 PM »
The approach you take may vary based on:

What you feel comfortable doing
How urgent the communication is
The preferred method of communication of whom you are contacting

Maybe you write well but are uncomfortable expressing your thoughts verbally.  For some it's the other way around.

If there is a vote coming up and it's important that you reach out NOW, then a phone call may be better, along with a follow up email.  Sometimes it's good to tie up the phones.

Building a relationship takes time, and meeting in person is the best way to do that.  You may find that in person visits are the most effective.  That isn't always possible, but it's something to think about.  One email or phone call a year doesn't build a relationship.  That may not be your goal, sometimes you just want your voice heard on a specific bill.  But if you have a relationship established, each contact starts to carry more weight.

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2014, 03:23:57 PM »
Don't use a canned script.
Share your own thoughts and experiences
Be positive
Don't attack and Don't accuse
Be professional, but be yourself
Be honest
Share from the heart but back with facts
Thank them for their service
Ask how you can help
Focus:  Stay to the one topic, be brief and don't ramble
Follow-up with a brief written summary and a thank you note
That help?
Sounds like Dave1215 was at the Day at the Capital?
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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2014, 06:03:26 PM »
I would suggest sending letters ( if you opt for the written route) via snail mail.  With an e-mail, its just a matter of hitting the delete button, no muss no fuss, but, physically putting something into a persons  hand, makes it more "real" and I believe carrys more weight.

Offline jFader

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2014, 07:40:03 PM »
I gave up on my senator, its not like anything worth a crap is going to pass this session anyhow....

I did decide to become considerably more involved this next time around....I have already sent email messages to all three canidates running for the seat in district 12 to replace Steve Lathrop. Who ever wins, I plan on having met them before
the election & making sure that they know that I am in their district...

I also have a preliminary plan of volunteering for one or possibly two of the canidates depending on how the primary goes between the 2 conservatives... I feel personally responsible to do what I can to get someone elected to represent my district adequately! I figure that helping them to get elected would be a great way to start a relationship!

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Offline RLMoeller

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2014, 07:56:48 PM »
I figure that helping them to get elected would be a great way to start a relationship!


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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2014, 09:02:51 PM »
We have an interesting position in several of the races in the primary.  Because of how the system works here the Dems and Repubs don't each get a candidate on the ballot for the general election.  The top two vote getters in each race move forward.  So we may have two pro gun candidates out of three possible candidates (some of the races have 6-8 candidates) and we should work to help both of the pro gun candidates in the primary.  That way even if our favorite does not win in the general we have avoided getting stuck with the anti by eliminating them in the primary.

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2014, 09:52:17 PM »
Sounds like Dave1215 was at the Day at the Capital?

No, but I do have a little first hand experience both receiving and getting this type of feedback.

Offline jFader

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2014, 07:23:13 AM »
This was interesting....I sent some questions to the democrat canidate in my district Greg Housch. I actually worded the email so that he wouldnt know which side of the issue that I was on. I basically asked if he would support legislation to reduce gun crime OR legislation to expand gun rights...here was his response. I am still waiting on a response from the top republican canidate who bill kintner 'highly recommended'...

Thanks for asking the question. I would always be open to input from you and others with respect to any proposals that might help us reduce gun crimes. However, with respect to gun legislation, I would want to protect the constitutional rights of law abiding gun owners and Nebraska sportsmen.
Thanks again for asking Justin and feel free to contact me if you have additional questions.

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Offline RobertH

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2014, 07:32:36 AM »
This was interesting....I sent some questions to the democrat canidate in my district Greg Housch. I actually worded the email so that he wouldnt know which side of the issue that I was on. I basically asked if he would support legislation to reduce gun crime OR legislation to expand gun rights...here was his response. I am still waiting on a response from the top republican canidate who bill kintner 'highly recommended'...

Thanks for asking the question. I would always be open to input from you and others with respect to any proposals that might help us reduce gun crimes. However, with respect to gun legislation, I would want to protect the constitutional rights of law abiding gun owners and Nebraska sportsmen.
Thanks again for asking Justin and feel free to contact me if you have additional questions.


that sounds great and all, but press him on it.  have him offer up an example on how he would protect the rights or how he exercises his 2A rights.

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Offline jFader

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2014, 09:16:47 PM »
Absolutely Robert H...I responded back to him inquiring as to how he would have voted on a number of bills that were shot down in this year's session... I'm just curious what he has to say, I'm almost positive that I will be supporting Merv Reipe...he seems to be the top republican canidate, he was recomended by kintner, & he lives just a few blocks away from me so I can keep an eye on him....haha...

Sorry to hijack this thread, I should probably start one for district 12 to report on the progress of my mission...

I was in the same boat as you ThirtyDaze as far as, not knowing how to make initial contact, what works best, & what to even say when you are ready to voice an opinion.
At the NFOA day at the legislature, I went & took a crap & when I got to Steve lathrops office he was gone. I wasn't sure what I was going to say face to face, man & attorney, one on one... I sent a letter & some emails & received what appeared to be generic responses likely sent by his aides... I do think emails, letters, & calls can be effective...mostly if the shear number received is overwhelming versus a single email that is well written with lots of good points...

Only one way to find out, & I for one am looking at this 2014 election & lead up to the election as a New Begining to make new contacts & accomplish more if we can get enough 'good guys' in the senate on the right committees...!
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Offline Dave1215

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Re: About "Contacting Your Senator"
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2014, 09:57:25 PM »
I'm almost positive that I will be supporting Merv Reipe...he seems to be the top republican canidate, ........ & he lives just a few blocks away from me ....

Sorry to hijack this thread, I should probably start one for district 12 to report on the progress of my mission...

Merv is a good guy