I couldn't resist. I don't know why I even waste my time, but I posted a reply to a reply at the link provided. Here it is...
Mike...have you ever lived in a truly rural environment in the midwest? Or even a rural area of California 30 years ago? Because this example of human nature you think doesn't exist has been proven for generations. Guns and ammo are in no shortage in these areas, and it is most often accessible by anyone in the family. Children are taught at a young age to respect guns, how to handle them, and what they are capable of. The mystique is gone for them.
Many people I know grew up going to school with a firearm in their vehicle for hunting in the early hours before school, or just having fun plinking with their buddies after school. Something in society, predominantly in the larger and more liberal cities, has desensitized the mass killers of late. I'm not going to blame video games. I couldn't begin to guess what sets them off. Regardless, you don't hear of mass killings in the rural communities.
My children grew up with their grandfather's loaded service pistol in a holster slung over the back of a chair. They knew not to touch it, and they never did. It wasn't just my grandchildren that were exposed to this irresistible (as you seem to deem it) temptation. It was ALL the grandkids, and not a single one ever touched his gun.
Even though I don't live in a rural area, there are guns everywhere. I can look down my street and probably only see a few houses that don't have at least one firearm. Despite this, our crime rate is quite low, and we definitely don't have children shooting their parents. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but it is probably statistically about as likely as being hit with a semi truck while walking down the street.
Many non-gun people teach their children to react in fear, sometimes with absolute panic, if they ever see a gun. This is lack of education pure and simple. You wouldn't see a child of good mental health that was properly taught about guns reacting in this same manner, but you also would not see them pick it up and start killing simply because it is there.
The problem here is that you are speaking from an experience level of absolutely zero. However, the media you choose to listen to supports your beliefs that this is a rampant problem everywhere in the US. This is called "Confirmation Bias". Many of us on the other hand have lived a life around guns, and we have seen no carnage because of it.
Is one mass killing one too many? Absolutely! But don't blame the availability of guns as the problem. History and real (not perceived) experience has proven you uninformed.