Well the "good thing" is the Regional Center is notorious for having "patients" stroll out of the building and go for casual walks around the neighborhood...
Was talking current events (this) with a coworker last night. A friend of hers runs a bar/ grill near the Regional Center. She said she would just quit if they put him in there, because WHEN he broke out, his first stop would be to the bar for a quick stab and grab for cash and whatever.
This all got me thinking..... Maybe we SHOULD put him in the relatively low security regional center, and just Happen to leave the door unlocked and let him slide. Of course the perimeter would be teeming with unmarked undercover officers (Serving and Protecting the neighborhood, of course) and all households would be fair warned to be prepared to defend themselves if need be........ See where I'm going with this?
As I've said before, this monster just somehow needs to go away.