I saw the debate too.
I was for Sasse before the debate began, but I wasn't happy with Sasse's comments concerning NAFTA and "free markets", of which there are none.
Why is he in favor of NAFTA and the current "free markets" situation? Because raising the "standard of living" of millions of others around the world (his words), like the Chinese, is supposedly good for the economic condition of the US. I don't know what he is smoking but our economic condition is the worst I can recall during the last 50 years and raising standards of living of other nations hasn't done anything for the US and doesn't make the world safer.
Over 92 million Americans of working age are now not working. Many are on government subsidies, putting those who are working under greater pressure to make up the lost taxes. Extracting more taxes from those still working is apparently successful because the US reported a record in tax revenues so far this year, $2.66 Trillion Dollars. Despite that record for revenues our government is also borrowing $589 Billion because they are still spending more than they are bringing in, a financial tactic they have continued to use for decades, and one which American taxpayers cannot use.
I don't care what Sasse's position on the 2nd Amendment is. If our economy collapses it won't matter. What matters to me is a candidate's position on ALL of the Constitution. Failing to adhere to it is the root of all of our problems in this country. Lip service to the 2nd Amendment isn't sufficient to impress me.
I care that a candidate supports ALL the Constitution, as it is written. Of the five only one met that condition in that debate,