Two days after Ferguson Dillon Taylor was
shot twice by Officer Brun Cruz, described as "non-White" (probably Hispanic), while Taylor backing away from the policeman. Taylor was shot while raising his shirt to show he was unarmed, it is claimed.
Like Brown, Taylor was a troubled person. Like Brown his blood panel showed behavior altering chemicals. He also had disturbing posts on social media. Like Officer Wilson, Officer Cruz was cleared of any wrong doing. Unlike Wilson, Cruz did not feel the need to resign. And, unlike Ferguson, there were no protest movements demanding that Officer Cruz be prosecuted for murder and not a single business or car was burned down.
Why so little news of this in the media? Perhaps because Officer Cruz was "non-White" and Taylor was White. Is it rare? Not as rare as you would think: Trayvon Martin? Sure. Do you remember Christopher Cervini? Of course not. It was virtually ignored; The neighborhood watchman was Black and the kid was White:
Terry Swoope thinks the media is trying to start a race war. Swoope is Black. so on...
Of those people killed by Police, which is about 400 per year, 32% were Black and 64% were White. Based on population (14% Black, 67% White) Blacks were twice as likely to be killed.
Officer Wilson and Officer Cruz both made a decision that every policeman faces sooner or later. Do they go home to their wife and family or do they die on the street? Given the facts both were justified in their shooting. Officer Cruz's situation disappeared from the media because it did not fit the media race war script. Officer Wilson's situation was fanned into violence by the media.? Brown's father pleaded no riots or burning. Brown's stepfather, a two time felon, shouted "burn this baby down!", and off the crowd went.