All IDPA Nebraska matches utilize UberScoreMaster for collating and posting results of matches. Numbers of participants won't matter since UberScoreMaster will not only have an overall listing/ranking of shooters and their results, but it will also have various reports that will break down and display rankings by divisions, etc. And then for IDPA members, UberScoreMaster will upload the results to the IDPA website for posting.
But no rewards, trophies, etc yet for our local Tier 1 club matches, but that is something that is in the works.
For the interim, our current indoor matches are generally the first Saturday of each month (but sometimes the second Saturday for various reasons), and they are held at Thunder Alley Indoor Shooting Range in Lincoln, NE.
Last year we held an outdoor Classifier Match at Eastern Nebraska Gun Club in Louisville, NE. We are planning on indoor Classifier Matches at Thunder Alley....more news on that forthcoming. Also, last year we held two outdoor IDPA matches at Izaac Walton's outdoor range in Bennet, NE.
We have had requests to have IDPA matches in Bellvue, Omaha, York, Columbus, and "western Nebraska". All of those are in the works.