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Author Topic: Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum  (Read 6867 times)

Offline SemperFiGuy

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Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum
« on: May 18, 2017, 05:42:33 PM »

Just got the Ruger LCR .327FedMag delivered yesterday from LeeM, that Most Excellent FFL who is also on this Forum.   Shot a 50-round box of Fiocchi .32S&W Long 100gr. DEWCs through it about an hour ago.   My first-ever .32 caliber-anything revolver shots.

Sa-weeeeeet!!!!   and Smoooooooth.......    Very little recoil.   Not much noise blast, either; just a medium-sized POP!   And the trigger on the .327FedMag LCR is much, much lighter and smoother than the trigger on my .22Mag Ruger LCR.   (Can't figger the difference in triggers in the same handgun design family.)

I also shot some actual .327FedMag 85gr. JHP SD rounds by.....Federal.    In the LCR the recoil of these rounds whack my hand about the same as a .38Special round shot in an LCR.   Not light, but reasonably tolerable.   And certainly not nearly so painful as a .357Magnum in the light LCR frame.   My theory on hand whack is that it won't be nearly so noticeable during an interaction with a Perp as it is during a shooting session at the gun range.

This gun shoots these cartridges:

.32S&W   (aka .32S&W Short, an Old-Timey, Turn-of-the-20th-Century cartridge)
.32S&W Long
.32H&R Magnum
.327Federal Magnum   (Developed around 2008 by Federal and Ruger for the SP101)

[It also chambers and shoots the .32ACP, but Gun Gurus say "Don't".  Short-ish cartridge w/questionable headspace.  Firing pin has to stretttttccccchhh to reach the primers.   Accuracy is horrible.   And that cartridge is for a semi-auto, not the LCR.   So you guys who shoot .22LR in your .22Mags, don't do this one.]

Anyhow, as stated in another posting, I plan to reload and shoot .32S&W DEWC Longs for practice and then carry some sort of lighter-grain, high-velocity .327FedMag JHP SD ammo.   And hope never to encounter a Perp.   Might trip, fall down, and get hurt while carrying out my Nebraska-required Duty to Retreat.

There are plenty of excellent, detailed, on-line reviews on the Ruger LCR in .327FedMag by knowledgeable gun writers, so no need for further elaboration here from me.

That's About it For Now.

See You at the Range.

Safe Shooting

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Re: Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2018, 02:19:51 PM »
So it's been several months. How are you feeling about your choice in caliber? Still think it's the bees knees or is the honeymoon over?

I'm thinking about a pocket gun for those times I can't just roll with my GP100, SP101 or SR9c (all three are generally AIWB, untucked shirt).

 I keep coming back to the LCR, but I'm having a heck of a time w/ caliber. I could easily go 357 Mag, 9mm or 327 Fed Mag, since I reload. They all have pros and cons...
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Offline SemperFiGuy

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Re: Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2018, 04:02:34 PM »
Since I've acquired the LCR/.327FedMag, it has become my prime everyday carry gun.
Going on almost a year now.

I like its just-right-size.   Lightweight.  Compact.   Handy.
Fits pretty much anywhere:  IWB, OWB, sweatshirt pocket, jeans pocket.   Pocket holster.  Shorts.

I like its fit-to-hand.  Just right for me.   Good factory Hogue rubber grip.  Pinky finger has its own special spot.   Trigger finger automatically goes to the distal pad, just past the last finger joint.

I like its configuration.   All Rounded Up all over, nicely.  No hammer spur to snag anywhere.  Good-sized trigger guard, nicely rounded as well.  Draws easily.

I like the trigger. Not a "Great" trigger, but certainly good enough for the double-action work it has to do.  Not tooooooo loooooooong.  Not too "stack-y."   Like I said, not great, but 'tis enough, 'twill serve.  One of the better DA triggers I've used. 

I like the accuracy.
  Pretty darn good for a 2-inch snubby.  And certainly good enough for the usual distances involved in a shooting situation.

All in all, I do like the LCR.   Quite a bit.  But........Carry guns are a very personal item and what's fine for me right now may not be universal.   

My first carry gun was a Kahr PM9 9mm w/Crimson Trace red laser.   Next came the Glock 33 in .357SIG, w/the usual CT red laser.  Then for a while I carried a Ruger LCP in .380ACP w/Red LaserLyte and Hornady Critical Defense loads.   All were (and still are) excellent EDC guns.  Right now, it's the LCR:  Little Cute Revolver.  I'm holding out for SOMEONE to make a reasonably affordable GREEN laser for the LCR.

The LCR in .357MAG is another excellent choice.  A five-round cylinder, but still.........357MAG.  And probably a lot more re-sellable than the .327FedMag, should you ever want to sell the gun.   I guessin' I would be just as happy with the .357MAG, had I picked up on that gun first. 


« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 05:52:15 PM by SemperFiGuy »
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Re: Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2018, 04:27:54 PM »
I had an LCRx in .38 special I liked, but could never get used to the long trigger, I couldn't hit the ground with that gun in double action.  Back to the Glock 19/S&W M&P shield.  I too bought and sold more than I care to admit before I settled down to those 2.  Flame suit on, I'm sure the 1911 crowd will drive by shortly.   :P

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Re: Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2018, 05:34:14 PM »
I really like my LCR327.  Carries very nicely iwb in Tommy Thies holster.  Agree on all that sfg says above.

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Re: Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2018, 05:49:30 PM »
Back to the Glock 19/S&W M&P shield
As hinted at in my post above, there's no One-Size-Fitzall EDC handgun.
Different Strokes and Different Calibers for Different Folks.
Ain't it Wunnerfullllllllll??!!

Flame suit on, I'm sure the 1911 crowd will drive by shortly.
Well, if the 1911-ers do drive by, they are probably on the way to their Monthly Moro Shoot.

As I've heard the story, the M1911 was originally developed to deal with crazed Phillipine Moros that came charging out of the jungle bearing bolo knives to hack up our USArmy Troops during the Phillipine Insurrection.  The army-issue .38 of the time did not have sufficient "knockdown power" [sic] to do the job.

I can't think of any other reason for lugging around an M1911.

BTW, those Crazed Moros were Muslims.


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Re: Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2018, 05:55:24 PM »
I can't think of any other reason for lugging around an M1911

Me neither.   :P

As hinted at in my post above, there's no One-Size-Fitzall EDC handgun.
Different Strokes and Different Calibers for Different Folks.
Ain't it Wunnerfullllllllll??!!

Totally agree.

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Re: Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2018, 07:39:05 PM »
 Being one of those who lug around a 1911 daily. I also understand that  there are many firearms out there, I choose the 1911 because I been shooting one almost 50 years, I can hit what I aim at and it fits my hand.   about all you can ask from any weapon,.

  That's the whole thing. does your weapon fit you. and can you hit what you aim at.
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Offline SemperFiGuy

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Re: Got a Brannew Ruger LCR in .327Federal Magnum
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2018, 09:53:20 AM »
That's the whole thing. does your weapon fit you. and can you hit what you aim at.

That's pretty much it.  In a nutshell.

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