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Author Topic: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder  (Read 2635 times)

Offline FarmerRick

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The vote tally: http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=111&session=1&vote=00032

More about Holder: http://legaltimes.typepad.com/blt/2009/01/why-gunrights-advocates-are-opposing-holder.html

Contact form for Ben Nelson:  http://bennelson.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm

Let him know if you are displeased about his vote for a long-time opponent of your 2nd Amendment Rights.

This is NOT a good development. Not good at all.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2009, 08:36:06 PM by FarmerRick »
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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2009, 08:39:46 PM »
I will be supporting Jon Bruning in a run vs Nelson. A dem is a dem is a dem....

 and the RINO  McCain voted AYE,    and even Jeff Sessions voted AYE... damn do we not have any conservatives left in the Senate... I think not... Although  Johanns was a NO
« Last Edit: February 02, 2009, 08:49:55 PM by Dan W »
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2009, 10:15:44 PM »
Ben Nelson..... >:(

Mike Johanns...... ;D

Eric Holder........ :P :'( >:( :( ???
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Offline ranger04

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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2009, 02:44:28 PM »
I contacted Nelsons office today and expressed my displeasure in him voting to confirm Holder. I got a pretty good run around by his aide. BHO picked Holder and there is not much that Nelson could have done lalalal. I told him that I understood that Nelson as voting on party lines and the aide denied that, I told him that I always thought Nelson was a good supporter of the 2nd Amendment and that when Holder starts grabbing guns, I hope it is Nelson who surrenders his on the steps of the capitol befroe they come for mine.

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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2009, 09:09:38 AM »
Well said, ranger.
The Right to Keep and BEAR Arms is enshrined explicitly in both our State and Federal Constitutions, yet most of us are afraid to actually excercise that Right, for very good reason: there is a good chance of being arrested........ and  THAT is a damned shame.  III.


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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2009, 06:24:49 PM »
Nelsen has caved on alot of things recently. I have called his office numerous times this week...got voice mail full a couple of times...then repeated busy signal. I finally got through the fourth day. I got alot of tap dancing from the aid I talked to. Ben is no friend to Nebraska just like Hagel.

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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2009, 08:57:06 PM »
 Nelson got both barrels from me yesterday regarding the pork bil and holder. I also reminded him that he could also go the way of Hagel if he continues to support this Socialist / want to be dictator. Yes all I got was blablabla in return.
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Baby steps... Re: Ben Nelson votesGeneral Eric Holder
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2009, 02:17:40 PM »
You have to stop at the local office, Lincoln, Omaha... STOP IN  and politely but firmly state your displeasure... They value each stop in as representing a couple hundred voters ...

Now "ole Ben" is stuck with the pack, Pelosi, Reid, etc... Wants to "make nice" but...

Daschel, Tom is case in point. How was he beaten' like a step child??? The Republicans FINALLY told the voters in SD how he voted in Washington DC... Two faced bum was running with and voting with the mushy headed liberal DC crowd, completely unlike the values of SD voters... You notice he did not return to SD, might have starved... and Obama tried to get him a job in Fed. health care... Should ask some "injuns" in SD how good the health care is/was under Tom D... Senator...

Wouldn't hurt to mention "Tom the red faced" to Uncle Ben... I think it was E. Dirkson who used to say "when they feel the heat, they see the light..."

Calls? Email? Doesn't show the interest/commitment a stop and visit does or inspire the concern/fear... Or you do what the NRA teaches and go on losing ground...

Offline Aldo

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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2009, 10:19:47 AM »
Calls? Email? Doesn't show the interest/commitment a stop and visit does or inspire the concern/fear... Or you do what the NRA teaches and go on losing ground...
I disagree with you, iiranger.

First locally...there are plenty of NE senators who have responded with gratitude for the e-mails re LB430...true, some don't respond or at least they tell ya that they don't concur with ya...but the author of LB430 as well as others in the state who support it have taken the time to express their appreciation and support.

Second nationally....the last time a couple of years ago when the House/Senate was considering an amnesty bill for illegal immigrants to the U.S., there were tons of calls and e-mails to U.S. representatives....and guess what, the proposed legislation got killed big time.  I don't recall throngs of folks (legal citizens) marching into offices as much as I do about the verbal and written communications.  However, I do remember the throngs of folks (illegal immigrants and their supporters) marching in the streets of big cities, and usually with huge blatant signs that disrespected this country....which did not get them very far in their cause.

So, again, I disagree with what you say about calls and e-mails.  Hey, if you want to go personally visit, go for it.  But please don't diss the folks who are also expressing themselves through the other venues.
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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2009, 11:03:47 AM »
I  belong to a organization called www.numbersusa.com. We have bombarded the house and senate over illegal immigration numerous times.We also hammered Ben Nelson this time for his on again off again support of illegals.

Offline Aldo

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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2009, 07:47:43 PM »
A couple weeks ago, I wrote to Sen Nelson about the Holder issue, and he finally responded with the same exact response that he has sent to others (see below)...and so I wrote back to him to hold him accountable to his position (see below the below):

  • Dear XXXXXX:
    Thank you for contacting me regarding the nomination of Eric Holder to be the U.S. Attorney General. I was pleased to hear your thoughts regarding this nomination.
    As you may know, the Senate confirmed Attorney General Holder's nomination on February 2, 2009, by a vote of 75 21. Prior to his confirmation, Attorney General Holder served as a Superior Court judge in Washington, D.C.; as the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia; and as Deputy Attorney General during the Clinton Administration.
    I voted for confirmation because Attorney General Holder is a qualified individual whom our nation's President chose as the most able person to advise him from this crucial post. During my time in the United States Senate, I have given our President latitude to choose the individuals for his Cabinet who he believes are best qualified for the job.  This is a courtesy I extended to then President George W. Bush, and I intend to do the same now for President Barack Obama.
    This should not, however, be construed as a rubber-stamp approval. During the nomination process, concerns were raised regarding Mr. Holder's position on the Second Amendment right to bear arms and his work related to the pardoning of Marc Rich in 2001.  Regarding his position on gun rights, Attorney General Holder testified that he will enforce the law as it is currently written and will abide by the rulings of our nation's courts, particularly the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in D.C. v. Heller, which affirmed an individual's right to bear arms. Attorney General Holder apologized for his work relating to the 2001 pardon of Marc Rich, and acknowledged he made a mistake, from which he learned valuable lessons.  In light of Attorney General Holder's answers, I did not believe that either of these issues compelled a vote against the President's choice for one of his own Cabinet officials.
    I will certainly keep your thoughts in mind as Congress works with Attorney General Holder to ensure that our nation's legal system is free from political influence and that it fairly and swiftly administers justice. He has vowed to enforce the laws as written, and I look forward to working with him as he continues to keep this promise to the American people. And as issues related to the U.S. Department of Justice come before Congress, I will work with my colleagues on a bipartisan basis and will cast my vote, as I always do, for what is best for Nebraska and our nation as a whole.
    Thank you again for contacting me.  A responsive government will only remain responsive with the input of concerned citizens, and I encourage you to continue sharing your thoughts and ideas.


    Ben Nelson
    U.S. Senator

This was my response to him today:

  • Dear Senator Nelson,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond.

    I respect your right to have your opinion.  In the same light, I honestly believe that the good citizens of Nebraska will hold you accountable to your stated positions, especially relative to the Second Amendment.

    There is a Senatorial election in Nebraska in 2010, and your positions now will weigh heavily with how the voters will respond then relative to your bid for re-election.  There are many Nebraskans who have great concerns relative to the President?s and Attorney General?s past actions relative to the Second Amendment.  There is more than one way to skin a cat, and although each of those elected officials may state they support the Second Amendment, there are great concerns that they will also support other means of making it very difficult (expense-wise via significantly increased taxes on ammunition or serializing ammunition as two examples) to enjoy the Second Amendment rights of Nebraska citizens and United States citizens.

    Time will tell.

    Again, thank you for responding to my earlier communication.


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Re: Ben Nelson votes to confirm new U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2009, 08:56:10 PM »
I got the same exact reply today as well.   :(
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