All right I have some more
I think it great to individually make calls and drop e-mails - but how many actually follow through?
And I mean NO DISRESPECT by this following statement:
But some of those people that are answering the phones at the N.S.P. have no power to really do anything other than to answer the phone and push paper -- A job that I could not do - I don't have the personality to do it.
This problem is going to continue to go on until a loud enough voice is heard to the right people - This is a law and really is not up for discussion or debate.
I think it should be addressed as a hole collective, not just by those who are still waiting but also by anyone HAS who waited past the "Legally Defined waiting Period" both those as new applicants and also those who have put in for renewals. - And there are probably thousands in the state of Nebraska that meet this criteria .
The N.S.P. is not just a law enforcement agency but also a business that must be run like one, especially when it comes to staffing guidelines, They have been doing this long enough to know when the peak demands are going to be and need to hire accordingly - and by the way "They work for us not the other way around - I paid them $100 to do a job for me !!.
If you put enough names together and anyone with any common sense take a look at it - They have to agree that this problem is not just a isolated case but the norm that has been let continue to go on. --- One that violates a law that they are just as responsible to uphold.
All right I am done
- This what happens when I have time to think - Thanks for listening - Neal