I have sent out SEVERL emails over the last few days, starting with the Governor. The only response I’ve gotten so far arrived today from a Lieutenant Shelton, at the NSP office.
“Mr. Christensen, thank you for your email of May 17, 2012 sent to the NSP Webmaster wherein you expressed your concern with the fact that you had not received you Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit from the Nebraska State Patrol within the 45 day statutory limit.
The Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) is mandated by law to accomplish the task of issuing these permits and does take this responsibility very seriously. The Nebraska State Patrol has staff working extra hours to attempt to meet the enormous amount of requests that have come in for these permits.
Your permit was received on March 8, 2012 and has now been through the final administrative processing as of May 18, 2012 and is being placed in the state mail system as of that same date.”
Which is GREAT, but as I said, I was told two weeks ago that it was approved and only needed to be printed. It’s just hard to believe it takes two weeks to print an permit. I don’t know….maybe they should update their printer if it’s that slow and then they wouldn’t be behind? LOL