The interviews seem to be improving as guest talkers point out defensive needs. The 2A has been whitewashed with "hunting and sports" to make it appear less of a threat to people's fear. Mass media is clinging to "assault" and "semi-automatic" to propagate ratings and sell commercials. Media twists the words to create fear and emotion without care to result.
I am suprised that no one has questioned the money amounts tucked into the recent Whitehouse gun control release. It is interesting that no one has pointed out the 5 billion dollars of increased deficit spending buried under an old assault weapon bill that never worked. Who is getting this money (particullary the 4 Billion $$ for "15,000 cops")? These allocations of money are not spelled out for reception, but have definate amounts and obviously intended to go into someone's bank account. There is rarely anything done politically that doesn't put some money in the hands of someone pretty well unrelated to the core issue. I would like to see someone step outside the smoke and mirrors and show what this whole gun control issue is really about.