JP... a little history. The members here pretty much support the purchase permit. We even fought to keep it.
The NICS system can be unreliable and time consuming during a busy show, and issues with similar names with bad guys can stop you dead at times. With a purchase permit you just fill out a 4473 and go. No busy signals, no system outages, no problem other than a $5 cost every 3 years. Might seem like a hassle, but most of us like the way it has worked.
If you live in Lincoln or Omaha, the police are notified every time you purchase a handgun anyway, so using NICS doesn't keep the Sheriffs nose outta your business either.
I would really like to see the change made to make a CHP equivalent to a purchase permit, and I plan to push heavily for it at the proper time, but that might mean waiting until 2011