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Author Topic: Deprogrammers needed  (Read 703 times)

Offline depserv

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Deprogrammers needed
« on: February 23, 2013, 05:01:06 PM »
It's good for patriots to share ideas on sites like this one, but preaching to and among the choir can only go so far.  To defend our country from the aggression of the liberal cult, we need to go out in the street and deprogram those who have been indoctrinated.

This is a long, slow, difficult, and thankless process, but it can be done.  Many dupes of the liberal cult have never heard the truth, since they receive all their information from the big lie machine called the liberal press.  So simply hearing the truth can in some cases create a spark of critical thinking that can grow into an unindoctrinated mind.  You have to penetrate the armor of doublethink their thought masters clad them in, and that might take many attempts.  But don't give up.

There are many ways and places this can be done.  Work, school, family get-togethers, etc.  One of my favorites is going to sites like the Huffington Post and getting the truth out there.  It's surprising how many patriots are there already doing the same thing.  The liberal mindslaves try to counter-argue, but their arguments are simplistic and easy to refute; the dialogue is in effect a deprogramming procedure.

Some might think that we as individuals have no power to counter the big lie campaigns of the liberal press.  But remember that no one bullet or one soldier ever won a war, but many bullets fired by many soldiers, in what often came down to one on one and small unit combat, won many wars, and we are free today because of many individual men who fought in those wars. 

The same thing applies to the political war America is embroiled in today.  The primary weapon of the enemy is propaganda, and the weapon we use to defend our country is counterpropaganda.  We get the truth out to counter the lies of our internal enemy.  Think of yourselves as members of a counterprop militia.
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.