Also, the article says, "The Gernandt proposal is the latest in a series of changes to crack down on gun violence in Omaha". Really? Cutting down on gun violence is the goal of this new law? Then this statement is total BS:
If a gun sold to one of the shops was stolen or had been used in a crime, a fingerprint record would allow police to identify the seller, Buske said.
I understand the usefulness of preventing the sale of stolen firearms - this is why FLLs will run the serial numbers prior to purchasing used firearms. So a tool already exists to identify stolen firearms at the time of sale. Police Chief Buske (whose lack of critical analytical thought makes him sound like a politician) needs to explain how exactly the LEOs are going to use this specific new law to connect a used firearm sitting in an FFL's inventory to a crime that was committed. I suppose if the criminal used a semiauto, loaded magazines barehanded, left casings with prints at the crime scene, and immediately sold the firearm to an Omaha FFL (which is questionable logic, because why would a criminal sell a tool he uses in his "profession"?) then after finding the printed casings, the LEOs could go to every FFL in Omaha to demand access to the print records of all used guns in their inventory, and finally fish for a match. That sounds plausible, in a Hollywood movie. Implausibility aside, since the majority of violent criminals are repeat offenders, after the LEOs discover the printed casings and run the prints through their criminal database, they'd likely already have a hit and therefore make Gernandt's proposal another useless, ineffective piece of feel-good legislation.