Back then, the only programming languages were assembly and BASIC with line numbers.
I don't doubt your premise that in time technology will improve 3D printers and the printing of firearms to make them both more reliable and cheaper, but the programming language was not a good analogy. There were LOTS of languages available to what would become known as the "Personal Computer".
I quit teaching to sell PCs in 1980 after building an analog computer in 1974 and buying an Apple ][+ in the summer of 1978. There were MANY computers in competition around 1975 and many languages available to them. I played with several of them and was paid to use a few of them to write software. Here are some of the more well known languages:
LISPFortranCOBOL (yes, it came on a peripheral card! for the 8080 and 6502 buses)
RPG (which accompanied COBOL as a report generator and eventually a language)
CSmallTalk (I really enjoyed this language but it was more difficult to program for business solutions than BASIC because the object model of programming wasn't yet well defined)
Prolog (similarly, as the first logic programming language it blazed new trails but didn't lead to practical applications in business. Looking back, it reminds me more of Neural Nets)
Pascal (I LOVED this language and used it to write commercial and for-hire software)
and my all-time favorite programming language:
FORTHI could write reams about FORTH. It didn't catch on because too many "programmers" at the time depended on the line numbering system of BASIC to form their logic in a form of top-down programming. FORTH is a bottom-up, threaded, class actor type language. VERY powerful, fast and compact.
I learned FORTH from one of the best books on programming languages that I have ever read:
"Starting FORTH" by Leo Brodie. An online version is here: here is a downloadable PDF of the book: is available for free on most Linux distros.