An old friend of mine was charged with terroristic threats for standing in his own home with a partially disassembled AR15 when his neighbor started to beat down his front door with a hammer. Of course the charges were dropped...right- no harm no foul??? The rifle was never returned until he sued LPD
Ask Gunscribe about the history of LPD and false charges involving open carry. He had several pow wows with former Chief Cassady about it and was guaranteed that the officers would be retrained, and no one would be charged with "disturbing the peace " for simple open carry of a firearm.
Sounds to me like something where we should (if the specific people would give permission) collect a series of these stories where people were cited for something that was later dropped because it was STUPID---and talk to a reporter for a story to be put into print.
If there is a series of these things, and complaining to the police department is useless (which I'm sure it would be), then perhaps shedding a little light on the systemic issue might make something change.
If all we do to fight this is complain and have the police not respond, that isn't helping. (And considering Cassidy, I'm pretty sure that we can agree that no matter what he says, he won't actually change anything unless forced.) In addition, if the rest of us don't know it is happening, we can't help out either.
Has the board heard enough stories, and have enough contact information, to possibly talk people into telling their specific stories to a reporter?