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Author Topic: Match range bag essentials  (Read 4301 times)

Offline wallace11bravo

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Re: Match range bag essentials
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2013, 11:53:01 PM »
I don't ever clean during a match.

Definitely, but I was talking about the cleaning kit. As for mud or general dirt, any rag will do. I keep a squib rod in the pickup as well (It's always there, forgot to put it on the list) Also always have a brass bucket, small bottle of CLP, blue guns (for some reason), blanket, tow chain, jumper cables, 467 pens that are hiding from me under the seats, blah blah.

So Wallace, how big a UHaul do you rent to carry everything?

Ha. I'll betchya most three-gunners haul more stuff to matches than I do.

Keep your kit on you, or at least close by

Good stuff, especially if you are by yourself (or might end up so) But I don't tend to worry about it too much at matches, as there will be at least 12 people in a squad. I do have a aid kit on my other belt that is almost always on me or very nearby, especially when I'm by myself.

As for what I take when I practice? Depends on what I'm working on that day. But I have a storage area at the range, so I don't have to haul much back and forth these days.