We have a Committee working directly with the Game and Parks on "Sight in Ranges" on WMA land throughout the state. We, the NFOA have donated $5000 toward the development of the first range and have pledged support in the way of policing trash and some minor maintenance of the site.
These are to be Self Serve ranges of 100 yards with steel gongs of various sizes and other backers for paper targets, most likely with concrete tubes or some other baffling devices, to make to as stupid proof as possible. Depending on availability, there may be some shorter berms available for pistol shooting and kids .22 plinking. The hold up comes from the initial bid for dirt work came in astronomically high, putting off the build in Osage WMA for this year. The G&P is currently going hard on their Boosalis project here in Lincoln- a virtual YMCA for the shooting sports, so we have not heard any update as of late.
I hoped to post a link to the forum discussions here, but I can not seem to search it out.
Otherwise to shoot longer range and nice pistol bays, you are talking Eastern Nebraska Gun Club at Louisville or the Izaak Walton club near Bennett.