So Sheriff Wagner replied to me very quickly almost immediately with
"As a rule I do not sign Form 4s. I'll have to wait and see the final language of the proposed ATF form 4 CLEO signature line before I give you a definitive answer."
I asked him why he doesn't and I have not got a reply. See what he says
Just a update for anyone interested Sheriff Wagner sent me another e-mail last week.
As an employer who's employees risk their lives on a daily basis, I would not want to do anything that could be used to harm one of my employees or further that risk. I know that sounds 'henny penny the sky is falling', but I can assure you, having to go through a line of duty death is an experience I don't want to have happen again.
Terry Wagner
I understand Sheriff Wagner not wanting to put his employees at risk. I feel horrible every time a criminal injures or kills a LEO. But I also do not accept his reasoning as a very valid answer. His employees are more likely to be injured be by a motor vehicle during a traffic stop then a NFA weapon. It also frustrates me that his office issues our handgun purchase permits which a background check is done and it is decided if we can legally purchase a pistol and use it to purchase other firearms.
For now I am going to go with American Reaper and let things ride out to see what will happen with 41P. His business is going to be affected in some way by this. So I feel his input is very valid and needed.
In the mean time I am going to start a list of all of the eligible signers with contact info for Lancaster County. Once 41P is finalized those who are interested in taking up the fight can join together and create a joint effort to get the best results.