Went to the Omaha Planning Board meeting today to support Inner 10s conditional zoning application.
The Clercs made a nice, straightforward presentation and the board members appeared to be open and receptive. Some questions about noise and a couple of other items.
One Opponent Spoke: He was from an ADA-based social service agency who served folks being rehabbed from ADD-kinds of ailments, many of them who had run afoul of the law in their lifetimes. Claimed that the noise from the range would be a distraction to his clientele, etc. And that locating a firing range in proximity to his facility was the last thing that should ever be allowed:
Board Member: "How far away from the proposed range is your facility?"
Opponent: "Approximately 500 yards..........."
Vote went quickly positive after that point in the meeting.
Note to Forum members: That 3-lane, portable Meggitt Systems Road Range is niiiiiiiiiiiiiicccce! Can't wait to check it out.
(One Board Member asked if it could be used for drive-by shootings.)