This is just my opinion, but NE is a long way from Constitutional Carry.
The Unicameral is far to Busy banning novelty lighters to protect "The Children" Yes I watched the live stream and I hope it causes some action on everyone's part. . Speak up or watch your rights be washed away.
This will be the argument from the left in the Unicameral. "We can't have all these untrained people walking around with guns."
For it, yes, but it won't happen.
Here is my list I think that should be worked way before the above. Baby steps, in no particular order.
For many of these I am going right off of KS law so the NE lawmakers can't say that change would cause chaos. KS has it already, no issues and it is a bordering state.
But, but, OMAHA... We have KCK, so #NELeg can shut it.
1) Get rid of the handgun purchase permit
2) School grounds carry, can't even walk your kids to the playground without a felony.
3) Remove the criminal penalty for walking past a sign. (KS they can ask you to leave, that's it, refuse, then trespassing or something else)
4) Public Building carry. Or as I like to call it, "Put in the metal detectors or let us carry." We paid for the buildings, we should be able to protect ourselves.
Forces the city, counties hand. They must provide Adequate Security (Metal Detectors) to keep all guns out or no guns out.
KS is now working State wide open carry because a few little towns want to twist the law and ban open carry.
Switchblade, dirk, dagger carry. Yes, KS has that. No permit needed. A little clean up this year for same reason as above.