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Author Topic: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??  (Read 8431 times)

Offline Dave1215

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Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« on: January 26, 2014, 04:14:37 PM »
Anyone have experience buying online 9mm ammo from "Freedom Munitions"?

I have never bought ammo online, but am starting to practice a lot more so looking for a more regular supply at the price I want without constantly checking in with the local retailers.

I saw the recommendation for www.gunbot.net on this Forum and that took me to Freedom Munitions.

Hate not supporting local retailers, but lack of regular supply are forcing me online (not interested in reloading at this time)

Feel free to share other online preferences too.

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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 04:18:17 PM »
Anyone have experience buying online 9mm ammo from "Freedom Munitions"?

I have never bought ammo online, but am starting to practice a lot more so looking for a more regular supply at the price I want without constantly checking in with the local retailers.

I saw the recommendation for www.gunbot.net on this Forum and that took me to Freedom Munitions.

Hate not supporting local retailers, but lack of regular supply are forcing me online (not interested in reloading at this time)

Feel free to share other online preferences too.
I'm a big fan of Gunbot!

I've probably gone through about 1000 rounds of Freedom munitions, both new and remanufactured.  No issues that I can recall whatsoever in either my M&P 9 or my CM 9.  I wouldn't hesitate to buy more.

I just bought 500 rounds of 9mm from High Country ammo today through Gunbot.  It was listed at 23 cents per round, with shipping it came out to about 27.5.  Decent price, hope it shoots as well as the Freedom stuff.

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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 05:14:49 PM »
I am gonna have to look at gunbot...I haven't had much luck buying target ammo for my 9 at a reasonable price online....I usually just go for jacketed hollow points, more expensive to practice with but I figure I'm training with what I would likely be shooting in a critical situation so I try to mix it up with those & fmj...

for hollow points I have been happy with www.strictlyammo.com & www.sgammo.com ......both have sporadic inventories & sgammo has a 'notify me when available' button for each specific type of ammo.

I really like the federal hst (not hydrashok) which is available in 124, 124+p, & 147 & Speer Gold Dot which I have bought in 115+p, 124, 124+p, & 147....I usually pay approx .70 per round when I buy 200-300 rounds per order.

I was also looking at bulkammo.com the other day...they had 1000 round lots of blazer & a few others reasonably priced...
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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2014, 05:20:24 PM »
++++1 Freedom Munitions

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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2014, 06:28:18 PM »
Been through around 1k rounds from freedom munitions. Just went through another 200 on Friday to break in my sr9c. Never had a single problem and they are always quick to ship.

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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2014, 01:44:58 PM »
I just bought 500 rounds of 9mm from High Country ammo today through Gunbot.  It was listed at 23 cents per round, with shipping it came out to about 27.5.  Decent price, hope it shoots as well as the Freedom stuff.

Holy crap.  Ok, now I remember why I reload.  And yes, I know that it a decent price for practice ammo right now.  And yet....I reload competition-precise ammo for about 15 cents a round.

That all being said---gunbot is great.  Very useful for buying self-defense ammo, if you buy in (relative) bulk, 200-300 rounds at a time. 

I've heard that for practice, Freedom Munitions makes perfectly good ammo.    If you aren't going to reload, Blazer is decent, too.  If your gun will handle steel cases, Tula and Wolf work fine, too, though they'll wear your barrel a tiny bit faster.  (But if you shoot enough for that to happen, you probably already reload.  :)  )

For general practice, as long as the velocity and bullet weight are roughly the same you can use FMJ to practice even if you use JHP for self-defense (which of course you do).   

Granted, you want to check to make sure your FMJ and JHP rounds are hitting to the same point of aim, but for pistol bullets that really normally isn't a problem.   And of course you want to run enough JHP through to ensure that it feeds well, etc....but that's normal no matter what you want to practice with.
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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2014, 06:25:01 PM »
I have gone through a couple cases of their 124gr Reman and just started one of their new. Not bad and they not are light loads. They ship quickly.

I did read they recalled some ammo  a month or so back, deep seated primers or something. I haven't had any issues.

Edited from light loads to say not light loads.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 11:16:48 PM by camus »

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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2014, 07:35:10 PM »
Holy crap.  Ok, now I remember why I reload.

I recall just few short years ago many were saying "why reload 9mm when you can buy it for the same price?" Nine cents a round sounds pretty damn good right about now
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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2014, 11:20:39 PM »
I recall just few short years ago many were saying "why reload 9mm when you can buy it for the same price?" Nine cents a round sounds pretty damn good right about now

It takes me 5 minutes to order a case, or multiple cases if the price is right. Can you reload 9mm that fast?

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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2014, 01:46:35 PM »
It takes me 5 minutes to order a case, or multiple cases if the price is right. Can you reload 9mm that fast?

It takes me 1 minute to access the 9mm rounds I have loaded in my spare time, and earning 18-20 dollars in savings per 100 rounds at current prices and availability is not bad when I can load, inspect and box 100 per hour.

I make less per hour after taxes and expenses at my day job, and I have a lot more fun handloading

Plus I get the added advantages of exactly the velocity I desire, the consistency and accuracy of equivalent high quality target ammunition versus the vagaries of shooting all the cheap stuff.

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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2014, 03:19:29 PM »
It takes me 1 minute to access the 9mm rounds I have loaded in my spare time, and earning 18-20 dollars in savings per 100 rounds at current prices and availability is not bad when I can load, inspect and box 100 per hour.

I make less per hour after taxes and expenses at my day job, and I have a lot more fun handloading

Plus I get the added advantages of exactly the velocity I desire, the consistency and accuracy of equivalent high quality target ammunition versus the vagaries of shooting all the cheap stuff.

I think the point he was making is that ordering on line takes less time and effort than manually handloading the same amount of ammo....though I guess you knew that.

It comes down to what you want to do with your time and money.  I have enough hobbies and activities that the investment in time and money needed for reloading are not worth it.  I'd rather just pay the premium and have someone else do it.  If I shot a lot more ammo, had less money, was a competitive shooter, or felt like I needed another activity in my life, I wouldn't hesitate to start doing it myself.

As it stands, I'm fine spending the 25 - 27 cents per round on 9mm ammo.  If I was really worried about a few cents difference in ammo prices, then I'd probably have bigger issues.  Bulk target ammo works for what I use it for, just like millions of others.

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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2014, 01:37:58 PM »
It comes down to what you want to do with your time and money.  I have enough hobbies and activities that the investment in time and money needed for reloading are not worth it.  I'd rather just pay the premium and have someone else do it.  If I shot a lot more ammo, had less money, was a competitive shooter, or felt like I needed another activity in my life, I wouldn't hesitate to start doing it myself.

Opinions definitely vary, and people should choose whatever suits them.  It is certainly true that if I were a millionaire, I'd just have Atlanta Arms and Ammo ship me 10,000 rounds of 9mm 124 JHP-G every month, and call it good.  :)  (And also rifle ammo from Hornady, too, come to think of it...)

But currently I can load 100 rounds of 9mm in an average of 5 minutes (gotta love that Super 1050!) and I'm pretty much literally getting my ammo at half-price compared to bulk ammo sales.  If I only shot periodically, that would be one thing---but for pistol ammo, I shoot a lot, and if I didn't reload I simply couldn't do so.

(Taking the difference between the cost of reloading versus buying bulk ammo for the rounds I shot last year, I could have bought 4 or 5 new handguns with the money.  Hm.  That probably explains the two new ARs I built, plus the new competition upper for another AR I use for Multigun, along with its optic...)

....so I guess I'm not really saving money.  :)  But I am able to shoot more for the money I'm spending. 

Back when I was in grad school, I didn't have the money (or space) for reloading.  I also couldn't shoot as much.  So I bought bulk Wolf ammo, and rationed myself at the range.  (It was horrible.  I'm still in therapy for it.  Range therapy, mm....)

Nothing wrong with buying on your own.  Nothing wrong with reloading, either---and with reloading, you spend time and get better ammo for cheaper.  Like everything else, you choose what you are going to spend---money or time.

If I was really worried about a few cents difference in ammo prices, then I'd probably have bigger issues.

I'm thinking there is a bit of a difference between "a few cents" and "27 cents versus 15 cents" on 1000 rounds.  It adds up.

Another way of putting that is by saying that if someone buys bulk ammo at 27 cents a round, the price for their 1250 rounds is the price for someone to reload that plus a thousand more rounds.

But then again, if you are just buying 1000 rounds for the next six months, sure, why not?  Reloading does take a serious initial outlay, plus space, plus an outlay for components.  Sure, if you reload you'll make up that cost difference, but you probably won't notice because you'll be busy at your reloading press.

On the other hand, if you are buying 5000 rounds a year plus have the space, reloading might be for you---because the $600 extra you just spent on ammo (versus reloading prices) can buy you a Dillon 550B and what you need to start.

...Freedom Muntions are perfectly decent from what I've heard.  And Gunbot is very useful, particularly for buying self-defense ammo, or finding the current best bulk ammo price.  (If it is in stock.  Have to check frequently, otherwise you'll get there right after the provider has sold out.)
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Re: Experience buying from "Freedom Munitions" ??
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2014, 06:57:07 PM »
Thanks for the variety of discussion .. Especially those giving specific feedback on the original question.