just a random question... is there any way the NFOA can help them out? i know there's NCAA rules and such. maybe show up to match?
Good Question Mr. H. I have been in contact with the head coach, and she gave me further contacts for such purposes. I'm hoping when the legislative biz slows a bit, I can get down and have a chat with the gals.
I was hoping to get them to stop by the booth last weekend, but they had these 2 all day meets.
I am hoping to recruit the ladies for this year's TopShot with the scouts.
(Put our best against theirs- nothing like a boy's broken ego to teach humility, right?
As for now, I think the best we can do is share the scores with our buddies, let it be known they are a top notch team. Maybe if we can get the Collegiate Shooting Sports more popular, they will field more teams.