So much to comment on in posts like this!
First off, welcome to the FORUM!
A gun in public, is like any other private thing in public. Private things, are best kept private. Open Carry, is a Constitutional Right from the inception of the country. I doubt the founding fathers envisioned box stores and shopping malls. In those days, children were seen, and never heard, and there were classes of people from well to do, to slaves. Women did not vote, and were as much as property, inside and outside the bedroom.
Lot has changed over the centuries. Today, my personal feeling is, outside a duty weapon of a licensed peace officer, Open Carry has zero place in shopping malls, in todays society. Will that swing back to being an acceptable and normal event, a western style gun on the hip of everyone, everywhere? I doubt it.
If you walked into a box store with a wheel barrow filled with chicken cages, filled with chickens, would you create a scene? Would people take notice, and maybe walk a couple isles over to stay clear of you? Would security be called, police called, SPCA called,
OK, stupid analogy, but it makes the point, if you go walking into a mall, or box store, and you are DIFFERENT, stand out, possibly spark fear in others, actions will be taken to deal with what is apparently, correctly or incorrectly, a threat.
Why open yourself up to scrutiny, even if it is in support of Constitutional Rights?
As far as concealed carry, I am a big proponent of doing this. My first concealed carry permit dates back over 30 years ago. I started collecting guns and knives over 50 years ago. Hand guns 35 years ago, I am a retired FFL gun dealer, specializing in used guns. I have personally shot about every make and model of gun in America today. I own a fair sized gun collection.
I am a NRA Member, at the Benefactor Life level. I am a NRA certified advanced handgun trainer, Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor, Chief Range Safety Officer, Glock Certified Armorer and hold a A+ rating at the BBB for storefront businesses I operate from 1991 to date.
I teach a Nebraska State Patrol certified Concealed Carry class, twice a week, Wednesdays and Sundays. My largest class has been 8 students, and all 8 passed with high scores. I like smaller classes, so everyone feels comfortable, and not lost in the masses. I have a dedicated NRA classroom, that is only used to teach gun safety, at 1st & O street. I have a private indoor range 20 minutes away, that is out of the snow, rain, wind, on a nice paved road, easy to get to.
Because of my sermon on Open Carry, please accept my gift of a complimentary Concealed Carry class as my guest. Another instructor on this forum gave me a Utah class free of charge, just to be nice, so I will now pay that gesture forward.
To register for your class, PM me. To learn more about my classes, you can go to (((For CHP class, I would not recommend Exeter Arms. lol)))
If you have already registered at another class, feel free to also sit through my class, as additional training, is never a bad thing.
Again, welcome to our FORUM!