I am not contesting the quality of teachers in Nebraska.
No public cirriculum in our state (or any other state that I am aware of) has ever consisted of lesson plans that are distributed from some top-level administrative wing, with a plan that every instructor must follow.
Ok, yes they can choose what to do. But the (Federal- which I think is kind of "top level administrative- oh yeah and piss them off and you could loose funding) Department of Education made some "suggestions".
Lastly, I believe I wrote a letter to the President every single year that I was in elementary school. No one ever made a stink about that. My parents were quite interested to read what I wrote to the President every year, and then compare that letter to the one I wrote the previous year. I was never told what to write about in this letter, aside from what I would do if I were the President.
Yes, I did as well, however I was never asked to write a letter showing how I could help the president.
Let's get back to the simple point of this post.
I want to know how this was an "indoctrination." I've watched the speech and I've read it word for word several times. Secret Socialist wink signals, coded eye movements, and other ridiculous paranoia won't cut it. So please, enlighten me.
Once again, the outrage happened before the speech was even posted, the outrage was over the "suggested lesson plan" that was released on the Department of Education website. So being that the outrage came up over just the document, they then released the speech, whether or not that speech was the originally intended speech is only a guess to all but a few people.
I am not being a conspiracy theorist here, however If the suggestions for the "teaching moment" had a reference to "what can you do to help the president?" Then I have to ask, what are we going to "help" him with? Is it the betterment of the country? If so, say, Write a letter to yourself showing how you can better your country.
You should take a look at some of the stuff that is being shown in our schools (not Nebraska, but thousands of schools around the country) that are teaching that capitalism is bad and that the governments job is to take care of you. The video I saw was produced by a group with ties to ACORN and all of the "left of liberal" czars that are being put into place by Obama.
Show me a man's friends and I'll show you his beliefs, looking at Barrack Obama's friends tells me that the president is more than a little radical.
Cass Sunstein believes it is constitutionally legal to put sterilants into the drinking water, also that it should be legal for animals to file lawsuits against humans IN COURT.
Van Jones believes that the white man is "basically steering toxins into communities of color"
Several more that are anti-capitalist, socialists, and even a couple of hardline communists. And yes I think all three of those things are bad things. Plus Reverend Wright, William Ayers, Jeff Jones, SEIU, ACORN, just to name a few more.
Was his speech going to be more on the lines of Al gores' "there is stuff you know better than your parents" speech? We shall most likely never know. There are many times this president has used doublespeak, anyone who uses doublespeak should not be trusted IMHO.