The Lincoln Izaak Walton is hosting an event to knock the dust off your AR-15s and shoot some targets at 200 and 300 yards. It is a short 30-round course being held April 6th & May 25th. The cost is $10 each time. You will be shooting at both Metal Silhouettes and Paper targets from the Bench, Sitting, and Prone. The course is designed to be easy enough for beginners to have fun and challenging enough for experienced shooters to try for perfection.
One of the main intents is to gather the multitude of beginning shooters who bought or built an AR-15 and get them comfortable with the idea of "match" shooting. We experienced shooters will be around to offer guidance, talk guns, and rope new shooters into the fold.
You should see this event pop up on Lincoln Ikes website sometime after Tuesday, the 11th. I'm getting a jump on advertising and drumming up excitement. Mike, Chris, and I will be testing targets and working the details of how many shooters we can run at a time. The match should take 1 or 2 hours to shoot for each shooter. If there is great interest we will possibly extend the Challenge through the summer. Share the flyer with anyone you know who ought to be out shooting!
Watch for more information about the match in the March Ike's news letter.
Ben Jochum
~see attached file for the event flyer~