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Author Topic: Are ?We, the People? to be Overruled by the United Nations?  (Read 1529 times)

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Are ?We, the People? to be Overruled by the United Nations?
« on: September 10, 2009, 09:25:23 PM »

By Joanne Mandel on August 31st, 2009
Are ?We, the People? to be Overruled by the United Nations?
In his run for the presidency in 2004, Sen. John Kerry caused a stir when he mentioned the need for the US government to submit to a ?global test? before taking military action. Promoting the UN as arbiter of American policy is a basic position for globalists who seek to establish the UN as the final authority over all nations. But that is rarely mentioned publicly. Advocates prefer to work toward their goal without attracting the attention of potential critics. However, one critic did ask a crucial question: ?So which body and set of rules are to govern Americans ? the U.S. Congress and the laws it passes? Or the U.N. and its conference declarations?? ? John O?Sullivan, 2005.

Most Americans assume that we will continue to live as free men and women, governed by laws we have consented to through our elected representatives. They would be shocked to find themselves increasingly governed by UN declarations established by a global elite. New York attorney Joseph Klein, a Harvard Law grad has explained why we should pay special attention to the goings on at the UN in Global Deception ? The UN?s Stealth Assault on America?s Freedom.

When former Secretary General Kofi Annan asserted in 1999 that the United Nations Security Council is the ?sole source of legitimacy on the use of force,? dismissing America?s right to use force to protect our vital national interests, his claim went unchallenged by the Clinton administration. Mr. Klein had long applauded the UN as the place where nations forge peaceful solutions to global problems. But he felt that the UN had moved in a dangerous new direction: quietly maneuvering to establish itself as the final authority on foreign and domestic policy for all nations. It was this utopian design, not discussed by the media though surely newsworthy, that led to publishing a book that would shed light on this unprecedented assault on Western democratic traditions. Confirmation of those utopian designs comes from Stroub Talbott, deputy secretary of state in the Clinton administration, who has just published The Great Experiment (2009), ?an appeal for progress toward global governance under the auspices of the United Nations,? according to Publishers Weekly.

Mr. Klein regards the ongoing assault on the sovereign power of nations as the most serious threat posed by the UN, and particularly a threat to the military power of United States [Israel and Britain]. Global Deception was written in 2005 to alert Americans to the way global governance enthusiasts are employing innocent sounding UN policy documents and declarations to expand the authority of the United Nations, while undermining our constitutional system of self-government. Under the proposed regime, all people will be citizens of the world,? or more accurately, all people will be reduced to being merely ?subjects of the world.? And this could come about long before most Americans have heard a word about it. In July of 2009 former Vice President Al Gore told a conference in the United Kingdom that ?cap-and-trade? legislation will lead to ?global governance.? News worthy? Not to the mainstream press.

For this new world order to be put in place, America?s power and position must first be neutralized. That is being accomplished through entangling the US legal system in the restrictions and obligations imposed by acceptance of a series of UN treaties, conventions, agreements and protocols. It is reminiscent of the entanglement of the sleeping Gulliver by the Lilliputians in Gulliver?s Travels. Though few are aware of their work, globalists [proponents of global governance] have been trying to reduce the US to being no more than ?one nation among many? for years. Toward that end they now claim that UN declarations constitute ?international law? and as such they supercede US domestic law and the Constitution.

During the previous administration several attempts to whittle away American sovereignty were blocked, as when President George W. Bush unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change and the International Criminal Court Treaty, considering the treaties harmful to US interests. The current president?s concern with improving America?s image in the international community makes a gradual transfer of decision-making power to the UN and its agencies more likely. A number of treaties awaiting Senate ratification including the Convention on Eliminating All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the International Criminal Court Treaty (ICC) will provide ample opportunity to polish our national image.

Unlike traditional international law that dealt with relations betweensovereign nations, the updated version being crafted at United Nations conclaves is designed to intervene in the relationship of a government and its people. John Fonte in ?Democracy?s Trojan Horse? 2004 shows us what awaits nations that accept UN treaties. The concepts of national sovereignty, our federal system of government and the supremacy of the Constitution have no standing in UN inspired treaties. The Convention on Eliminating All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) requires UN compliance committees to monitor efforts to achieve strict gender equality in countries that have signed the treaty. For many years UN teams have been correcting the shortcomings uncovered in countries that ratified the treaty. The UN inspectors have advised the British government that not enough men are taking parental leave. The Slovenian is falling short of UN standards because not enough children are in state-run day care centers. The Belgian workforce still includes jobs that are dominated by men. CEDAW teams of compliance officers are advancing a radical feminist agenda throughout the non-Muslim world.

Senate ratification of the International Criminal Court Treaty would further undermine the US legal system by depriving Americans charged by an ICC pre-trial chamber with war crimes or crimes against humanity of the constitutional protections granted to the accused in US courts. The safeguards of the US Constitution would be trumped by the jurisdictional claims of the ICC and international law. Global Deception has a fascinating account of the way this all embracing court was established. Roughly 2,000 progressive minded special interest groups (a.k.a. non-governmental organizations, NGOs) met in Rome in 1998 to establish a permanent world court with universal jurisdiction. With sponsorship from the UN and a number of member nations, the Rome Statute establishing the ICC was instituted and began its work in 2002. The attending NGOs which included Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch along with self-selected activists played leading roles in the deliberations. They served on rule-making committees and drafted the policy statements that they then proclaimed to be ?customary international law.? Few Americans have any idea that the legal arrangements we are to be governed by are being rewritten in a way that puts our collective right to govern ourselves, our national sovereignty, in greater jeopardy with each successive UN conference. Conference participants who are determined to impose their own elevated insight on humanity are able to downgrade the nation-state and its electorate to a subordinate role in world affairs and impair their ability to direct their own lives.

Eye-opening evidence of UN influence and involvement in setting US public policy was brought to light in a 2008 article: ?Our Global Big Brother,? by Henry Lamb, Chairman of Sovereignty International. Legislative and regulatory initiatives that reflect the interests of an international elite prevail over the concerns of ordinary Americans. US land use policy is rooted in the UN Conference on Human Settlements; US wetland policy owes much to the Ramsar Convention of Wetlands; laws related to endangered species arise from The UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Under this enlightened regime, California?s San Joaquin Valley is being transformed into a dust bowl as water is being diverted from farms and people to rivers and streams to protect the Delta smelt, a three-inch bait fish. Consistent with this intrusive pattern, we learn that the Community Reinvestment Act, which essentially forced banks to offer mortgages to unqualified applicants and ultimately served as the linchpin in the current financial collapse, was spurred on by an outgrowth of the UN?s International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

There is an impressive list of little noticed big successes for well-funded special interest groups who think the habitat of the snail darter should take precedence over the rights of the human property owner; rights intended to secure property, the fruit of man?s labor. Their ability to trample the constitutional rights of property ownership owes much to the proposals being worded so vaguely that there appears to be no reason for any objection. But especially, their success is made possible by the collaboration of left-leaning NGOs who are unelected, unaccountable advocates with the like-minded mainstream media who demonstrate no interest in enlightening their audience about these matters. Most Americans, uninformed and unaware, could not possibly object because they do not know that the freedom to responsibly direct their own lives is likely to be transferred to UN bureaucrats eager to take command in their stead. Consider that The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that ?no child shall be subject to arbitrary?.interference [by parents] with his or her privacy?or correspondence.? And that an agency has been estabished to enforce the UN authorized ?basic rights of the child.?

A forceful anti-American, anti-capitalist movement that seeks to undermine US dominance has another strategy for bringing America down to size: international law introduced by American jurists. Several left-leaning federal judges have already incorporated elements of it in their written opinions, which has put pressure on the court to bring US law into full conformity with ?international law.? This, too, is an end-run around the democratic process. Without that bulwark of freedom, we could someday find ourselves without the right to free speech, the right to defend ourselves, if attacked and to impose the death penalty. With four and occasionally, five Supreme Court Justices open to consideration of international ?legal norms,? globalists have found another path to their ultimate goal: a utopian paradise on earth where those who know best are in charge.

The question ? which set of rules is to govern our nation? ? is of supreme importance. The forces working to put an end to our emancipation have to be challenged. Those who want to live as free men and women rather than as indentured servants had best not sit back and assume that liberty is their birthright.

?2009 Joanne Mandel
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson.

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Re: Are ?We, the People? to be Overruled by the United Nations?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2009, 02:35:23 AM »
Scary stuff.
The U. S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself. Benjamin Franklin