Yeah, Good Point.
I sorta left it all hanging there. And knew I'd dunnit.
So--later went looking for that particular video and didn't find that particular one in the time available on this particular holiday.
But....No Biggie.
As an alternative, simply Google <Crazy LEOs>. Which will be a very sobering set of views, indeed. No intent here to smear good cops as being "crazy". Not at all. But what comes up in response to that search string will give us all a new perspective on the Mean Streets portion of the justice system.
In the meantime, I'll try to find the original video. It's really scary. Those folks have handguns, ARs, shotguns, pepper spray, mace, handcuffs, tasers.....all that.
When their Protect and Serve attitude goes to hell, the citizen is in serious jeopardy.