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Author Topic: New 1.5-4x30 optic  (Read 4679 times)

Offline landon410

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New 1.5-4x30 optic
« on: July 08, 2014, 12:27:47 PM »
I had won a couple amazon gift cards through work recently and decided to take a shot at an off brand AR optic. If it sucks I'm not really out any money so I thought what the heck.

1.5-4x30 illuminated scope, just got it in the mail today, mounted it over my lunch break,it is on the heavy side for a low power scope and the mount it came with is bulky, but it looks pretty good. I like the reticle, 3 color options, off/black, red, and green. I hope to shoot it this weekend or next and should be able to give a review of it at that time, until then.....

« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 12:30:52 PM by landon410 »

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Re: New 1.5-4x30 optic
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2014, 02:11:04 PM »
$100 (or free for you) isn't bad if it holds zero. Interested in the results.
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Offline landon410

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Re: New 1.5-4x30 optic
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2014, 03:15:57 PM »
i ran a tasco pronghorn on my 50cal muzzleloader for a couple years, then ended up putting that on my remington 597, when I decided to run my muzzleloader open sights.
It holds zero like a champ

this new scope feels better than the tasco, hard to describe that other then holding it in your hand, playing with adjustment dials, it just feels pretty good

seems clear when I look through it, I like the reticle a lot, thats really what sold me on it. I wanted a 1-4 scope and when I found this I knew I wanted to try it.

Offline Hardwood83

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Re: New 1.5-4x30 optic
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2014, 08:47:51 PM »
That's interesting. I believe you generally get what you pay for, but I have had pretty good results with cheap optics. For my primary hunting rifle or serious use? By all means get good glass. A plinker or general use kick around gun? I'm all for the cheapo chinese scopes. Good for you.
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Offline landon410

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Re: New 1.5-4x30 optic
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2014, 09:42:19 AM »
ok, so I was just reminded I didn't update my review of this after using it.
I've now shot this set up twice

last Thursday put maybe 60 rounds through it, sighting it in and just shooting a little bit, easy to sight in 1/2 inch clicks though, pay attention to that, whoops....

This past weekend I'd guess there were 250 rounds shot through this gun scope combo. On a 10 scale I'd give it a solid 8

the good
I like that you can shoot 2 eyes open easily if wanted/needed
I like the reticle, although it was too bright to be able to see the red/green so just ran it black to entire time.
at 50 yards standing the scope is as good as anything else, the glass is clear I wasn't getting any fishbowling
it held its zero the entire time, it looks pretty good, guys who were at this shoot with my that were running more expensive optics liked it as well, one of them asked to use it for his turn at 50 yards instead of his because he was running a high power scope.

the bad
i don't like the dials, i don't think a 1.5-4 needs these, they have no caps but are locking, just seems unneeded, could be more slim/sleek with normal dials and caps.
when shooting at 150 yards the reticle is HUGE, although this scope isn't really meant for that type of bench shooting it can do it, i shot about a 2 inch group off bench with bi pod when really taking my time. At 100 yards it was clear and easy to hit 8 inch round target while standing freehand.
its on the heavy side for a low power optic

all in all I'm pretty happy with it, for shooting 100 and in off hand it'll do just fine, get out past 100 yards and the reticle starts getting pretty large, I'd guess I would have no problem hitting at 200 yard with this, but you'd have to take your time from a bench or with a bi pod.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 09:45:41 AM by landon410 »