As I get older, I feel the need to re-experience some of the things I once enjoyed, rather than find new things for a bucket list.
I decided some time back, if I ever saw a Star PD in good condition, I would get one again.
Star PD's were last made in the 80's era, and Star is sadly no longer in business.
They were quality made guns for the most part, and had features ahead of their time.
Alloy frame, is light and strong.
Safe that engages in hammer cocked and hammer safe. Pretty rare in a 1911 style gun. Sig does this in their pocket 938? Someone correct me if I have that model wrong.
Chamber indicator, and full magazine indicator.
Mine came with original box, cleaning kit, one magazine and Pachmaur grips.
My wife will not much care for it, but I am a happy camper having one again.
EDC? No, to comforted by my Glocks in .40S&W that hold more, and hit harder.
You 1911 fans that want to see this gun, stop by my store and say hello. NOT FOR SALE!

Photo taken with a free Android app called Photo Water Reflection by DEXATI